Blog Entry: 四年級部落格 ID: 635065


1976 台大農推系


Okay, here is the code for the album:
Pondarosa Night on Oct. 28, 2011
Here is the code for the slide show:  

The above is for extra large 600px.  


洪茵 and I came back from the United States of American at the end of October, 2011. We both contacted popular and charming 周若男, resulting in her organizing this lovely Pondarosa Night on Oct. 28th. 程博仁 looks exactly like the way he was at NTY in 1976, so I asked him the secret of keeping young. 洪茵 shared the whereabouts of our classmates in USA and a photo of her gorgeous daughter. 吳美莉 has fun teaching exercises as you can see from her own physical slimness. Her husband and her both became Christians in 1980 when they had their second child in complication. 陳麗如 retired a few years back and is an artist now who just published a Chinese traditional brush painting book with her mom earlier this year. She also does release work in China for her Catholic parish (church). Professor 余漢儀's dad at age 90+ still visited China lately. Wow! 周若男 is very busy with her work at 行政院農委會輔導處, who came more than one hour late after two meetings. Gee, at Friday night? This is unheard of in the governmental enviornment in USA. (Oops, my husband said that is not true!) 詹宏洋, who just returned from USA and was transferred to another department after refreshman, loves to hangout with 農推 gangs. As for me, 姚雪玲, I talked about the beauty of having my iPad and how it has been widely used in schools nowadays. Russia is looking into that for elementary school children. I enjoy my time serving visiting scholars of China and their kids by providing English Bible study and Kids ESL classes in UW-Madison, besides picking up photography as a hobby. 

Below are two of my spirituality works:

Left:Wind, Holy Spirit, Follow the Lead               
Right:Light Shines in the Dark Wood 
Wind, Holy Spirit, Follow the Lead Light shines in the dark wood 

1976 台大政治系←上一篇 │首頁│ 下一篇→1966 北師附小(2)