Blog Entry: 四年級部落格 ID: 639921


1966 台大外文系(2)



1966 台大外文系

1966 台大外文系(2)

1966 台大外文系(3)

1966 台大外文系(4)

1966 台大外文系(5)

Thank you for posting the old and new picture, so we can go back to the young and carefree days again.  Can you and 潘明 recognize all the people?  Maybe we can brainstorm on 6/24 at 四臧's house and "recognize" everyone.
菡嬰:Is it possible that you make copies of your old picture "全班合照"for those who will go to the 6/24 reunion?  I went to Kinko and made photo copies for my high school classmates before and had it enlarged.  We will pay you for the expense.  Thank you for the trouble.
If I can find any old picture after going back to Michigan at the end of September, I will post them too.
2012, 06, 12

Thank you very much for sharing the precious pictures of you with old classmates at then and also, your happy family pictures now..... I couldn't help to look at the pictures again and again....Feeling very blessed - lot of us were able to get re-connected again after more than 4 decades.... Gilbert, really no words can express enough how much you're appreciated. 
Can't wait to catch all the memorable moments at the reunion on June 24.  I think quite a few of us will be glad to share our pictures with you, too.
2012, 06, 11

2012, 06, 12

2012, 06, 12

I'm ashamed to say that I don't remember when this picture was taken, however, I can see myself in it so I must have been there, ha ha---
This is probably the most complete of the class photo, would be wonderful if we can use the original one & make copy for everyone, I would be the first one to sign up & pay for the expense, thank you Yen-ping for giving us the opportunity to go back to the campus & imagine us being young once!!
Plus, if the name for each one can be post on that would help too,
What a wonderful memory lane we travel on, I don't supposed we can ALL gather together & each one stands/sits on the same spot & have another picture taken???
Thank you thank you & thank you!!

2012, 06, 12
2012, 06, 12

Oh....My........This is wonderful!  Like Wandda said it did bring us back to the memory lane......We all were young once.....In the same classrooms for four years.....Thousands steps left in the TaiDa campus.....Really it's been long long time ago, I could not remember that we had taken this picture,either.  Surprisingly,  I found me in the picture, too....Ha Ha.....
Thanks again for sharing the picture, it is very precious and memorable!
2012, 06, 12

嘉書和我請了朋友來幫忙scan 了這張寶貝照片,希望它能夠顯示得清楚一點。
2012, 06, 12

Clara and 嘉書,
You did it!  Now I can see the faces clearly, even when the picture is enlarged. 
Thank you very much for your great efforts, very much appreciated! 
Wouldn't it be fun to guess out who's who in the old pictures at the reunion?  Help to bring us to the old memory lane.......remind us once we were young.......
Angela, Would it be possible for you to arrange it, so that we could see the old pictures on your big screen TV? 
Thanks again for hosting the reunion at  your home.
2012, 06, 13

      蘇   慶、馬周梅、張村慶                                                            (10)                 
8、 蘇榮光                                                                                                        (1)
7、黃乃漢、黃仲珊、許文宏、董立中。                                                  (4)
                  黃盛英、翁業煌、楊中楠、蔡元評、陳榮昭、曾大偉、王春惠。  (15)
     白 陽、黃顯意、沈登贊、楊申明、蕭順景、蔡國男、張堃泰、孫惠、溫仁柾。                                  
                                                 侯玉蘭、黃淑美、蔡和枝、城滿惠、XXX。      (13)         
                 謝   婷、李雅惠、吳怡青、貢小萍、黃信媛、張天保、黃美彌。      (15)
                                楊梨惠、劉淑娥、曹淑蓉、陳幸珍、王國芝、郭豐聲。       (21)
                                     劉華強、呂展望、藍玄圃、余光久、蔣智揚、陳華山。   (14)

2012, 06, 13

網站功能全備,但要花時間update,更需外文系已找的60人中,大多數同意把個人資料擺進去才有意義。Facebook 太單薄,上照片及資料有句限。和大夥討論討論如何?
2012, 06, 14

Dear all,
just share our website:
SDFC 師大附中 1962 website:
We had the 50th grand reunion on 4/10/2012 in Taipei.
鄭傳志 (Chicago), 
2012, 06, 14

歡迎你“歸隊”。我看到師大附中的 網站了。你是編輯,好家家夥,懂網站的。
2012, 06, 15

嘉書和我的網路知識,只夠寫寫電郵,送送照片,連scanning都找人幫忙,可見一般。但我們可以禱告有能幹的人出來作成這件美事  :) happy
Clara Yang
2012, 06, 15

傳志招了,他會update, 而且非常熱心,反應也最快。趕快把好馬拉住。
2012, 06, 15

一吹一唱一和, 但是不響
2012, 06, 15

不要緊的。都是“senior citizen”了,動作一向會比較遲緩一點,你一定聽過大器晚成這句話。
2012, 06, 15

Let’s Have a Real Convention and Have Lots of Fun Together!

Dear Classmates:

It is really exciting that after half a century we are going to hold a first-ever reunion in southern Cal.  However I cannot help but thinking that just spending a couple of hours together for a meal in a restaurant really does not justify the term "Reunion", don't you agree?  And thus I am proposing the following program which would give us more time to get reacquainted, to catch up, to mingle, and most importantly, to have lots of fun.

Time:  As early as you can make it on 6/24 till as late as you have to leave on 6/25

Place:  Lew’s Residence at Chatsworth,
            House phone: (818)
6/24   Morning               Guest arrivals
          Light Lunch         Order in pizza/salad or Surprise from My Kitchen
          Afternoon             Tea, Chat, Snack, Relax, Nap…
          Dinner                  Order in Tasty/Healthy Chinese Food
          Evening                Show & Tell, Song & Dance… Whatever ( Through my 30+ trips to China, I mustered a small collection of unique texttile items which I’ll be glad to show & tell to share their beauty with you)
Overnight Stay:          Travelodge Chatsworth (very close to my home)
                                   21603 Devonshire St, Chatsworth, CA 913111  (818-998-8888)
                                   Book early (call or online) to Save 15% , $83.44 tax inc.                          

6/25   Hotel Breakfast, or Healthy Chinese Breakfast at my kitchen
          10:00 -      talking, drinking (coffee, tea or wine), exercising, swimming, and/or perhaps a spontaneous excursion to nearby interesting spot…

Cost:   In order that we can all feel relaxed and comfortable, the food cost will be shared among us as it happens.  Therefore please do not bring any food or gift.. 

Please RSVP by 6/15 and hope to see as many as possible soon!

2012, 06, 15

Hi, Angela:

My husband, 張志軍,and I will be there.

2012, 06, 15

Hi All,
The 6/24-25 reunion is taking shape and looking good by the day.  So far 12 classmates, 5 hubbies and 1 daughter have confirmed their attendances, including myself and hubby Bob (see names addressed To above).
After the meal at the 5/30 mini-reunion, Dio very wisely suggested that everyone be given 10 min. to say/introduce something/anything that he/she likes to share with others.  We did so and the conversation, as casual/free/relaxed/unstructured as it went, eventually derived into many sincere exchanges of genuine experiences/feelings/thoughts.  Towards the end of the gathering we all felt knowing the others better than ever, we all felt a warm comradeship unique to TFLD class '62-66 budding in our heart when we said goodbye that day. Although ironically/sadly that comradeship was hardly ever there as it should during the four years we went to Taida.  To myself I blamed it on the large size of the department and the ignorance/arrogance in my own youth.
This is why I volunteered/proposed a reunion program fuller than just a meal together.  It will give us a lot more time/chances to get reacquainted/have fun with one another and to nurture the late-but-better-than-never comradeship/friendship which is unique to our TFLD '62 class.  At this juncture/time in our life I feel that we can all appreciate/enjoy/give/receive/use it a lot more than 50 years ago.
Dio's suggestion worked so well on 5/30 that I want to set a chunk of time aside on 6/24 (2-5 pm?) for some same/similar conversations/dialogues/monologues.  The advance notice is given here/now in order to give everyone (including our spouses who have loved/lived with us for 40 yrs.) some time to collect/condense/organize the many experiences/feelings/thoughts in our life.  Doing so I hope that we can make the best use of our precious collective time.
I heard that 吳怡青 lives in the greater LA area but have not heard from her yet, wouldn't it be great if she can join us?  Please contact her and talk her into coming if anyone has her phone no.
See you soon!
左四臧 Angela
2012, 06, 15

Thank you for giving us time to think what we should say and share with all the classmates who can come to the reunion.  It 's a wonderful idea of you and Dio.
I suggest that we bring a photo book, so we can know one other's families better.
Yes, you are right.  We missed one another when we were young because our class is too big.  There is still time we can catch up through reunion.
Thank you for your invitation.  I believe that we will have a wonderful time together.
2012, 06, 15

Thank you for giving us time to think what we should say and share with all the classmates who can come to the reunion.  It 's a wonderful idea of you and Dio.
I suggest that we bring a photo book, so we can know one other's families better.
Yes, you are right.  We missed one another when we were young because our class is too big.  There is still time we can catch up through reunion.
Thank you for your invitation.  I believe that we will have a wonderful time together.
2012, 06, 16

Wow, it's growing. 12 is a good number :) 20 is wonderful!
Let's rest well these days to welcome the reunion in our best condition, physical and emotional! Don't I talk like a "senior citizen"?!
2012, 06, 16

Hello Angela,四臧,
Congratulation on your initiative & organizational skill, you guys are all going to have wonderful reunion for sure, like to wish you all  a very fun filled & memorable reunion of 台大外文系'66年畢業生, & hopefully this is just the beginning of the many great reunions to be followed... wish I could join you all, so envious!!
I will definitely miss the chance of seeing your great collection & everybody's story telling of their own over the pass 45 years , maybe someone can video & record the whole thing. I can only hope when I do go to Irvine in July, some of the classmates still can find time & interests in getting together one more time, would certainly love to see you all!
Good night! & warm greeting from South Carolina,
Wanda, 許雲娥
2012, 06, 16

Dear Wanda,
So nice to hear from you and thank you for the very warm will wishing.  I am really looking forward to having lots of good food and great fun at the forthcoming reunion.   Will make my best effort to meet you when you come to Socal in July.
2012, 06, 16

這麽多年不見,雖然你自稱已退休,但可信度不大。因爲你看來還是精力充沛,思想靈活,言辭犀利。這些天來,道士、和尚、夫子理論頻頻出籠,老同學如我者固然感覺到你熱情奔放,盡量想回應 (因爲如你所言,溜不掉!)  但不知從何開始 -- 直到今天!
我百分之一百贊成你的意見,認爲我們同學會的網站名稱英文應取爲 TDWWX66 (TDWW66或者也可以), 中文則爲 台大外文66。這不但簡單易記,也符合目前網路使用者的習慣。
在此順便討論一下關于中文專有名詞羅馬字母拼音化的問題。誠如Angela所言,中文地名及人名的英文寫法,應該采用大陸啓用的,經過聯合國認可的Pinyin系統,抛棄台灣一直抱住不放的Wade-Giles 系統(護照上名字),才是正途。
原因很簡單,漢字同音字太多,W-G系統考慮欠周到,不完整,加上不合時宜的使用 apostrophe (只有學過語音學的人才搞得懂,此符號老早已被抛棄,更加混亂),本來就應該改弦易轍。中共做了很多錯事,唯獨創立Pinyin系統這件事肯定做對了,是這些年來改革開放、電腦化成功的極大助力。
馬英九在任期內有一定的政治包袱,但就中文專有名詞全套改用Pinyin系統一事,在街道、地址、地名方面大力實施,應該不會受到阻擾。到底有上百萬以上像我一樣常住大陸的商人,老早就已經習慣了。要是馬英九能更進一步拿出魄力,把Taipei被改爲Taibei (如同Peiping如今叫Beijing),甚至把外交部數十年來的痛處----護照名字的大混亂,一次修改到位,則在數十年後,這件事可能成爲馬總統任內唯一被後人記住的政績,也說不定!
我不知道我們同學之中,有人出國念 "語言學" 的沒有?如有,或對上述看法有不同見解的同學,盼能指正,到底以上只是我個人的看法而已。
2012, 06, 17

Hi All,
Ditto.  Count me in, Wanda.
Next we may need to consider:
1. To apply for a separate domain name "TDWW66?"  Or to attach to gmail like 师大附中62?
    A domain name will cost less than US$15 per year in Taiwan.
2. Will we just use Chinese text like 师大附中62?  Or will we use just English Text?
    Or a mixed text?  Or two co-existing texts on two different sections one click apart?
3. Do we need to rent a virtual server? If so, there will be cost(s) involved, around US$120
   in Taiwan for 15G space as far as I know.
The 6/24 gathering could be a good chance to discuss these issues.  An absentee, I will gladly
go along with any conclusion and share whatever cost there might be.
2012, 06, 17

各位親愛的同學:大家好。很高興跟大家報告,到今天六月十八日為止,我們己共找到了九十(90)位同學,包括轉出他系及已故的。兹檢送最新名單二份如付件(舊名單可予刪去),敬請   存參,並請彼此多加聯繫或相約分區聚晤。此外,回國時請千萬記得跟我們連絡,給我們歡迎您的機會。祝
                                                                  潘    明     敬啟
2012, 06, 19

TDWW66 – for what and for whom?
TDWW66 的大方向:給所有“外文66人”,(已聯絡約80位)交流的平台。
交流 :提供“外文66人”最方便,最自由,最開放的談話空間。
關懷:關心“外文66人”,給好事打氣,給需要幫助的衷心的支持 。
文藝:發表“外文66人”的作品 – 文字的,藝術的。例如附上的,武吉的高深度的文章。
以上是個人有限之見,“外文66人”侪侪多士,請大家“大聲“ 的參與!
{有幾位“隱士“ –  老王,老袁  –  仍高臥”隆中“。誰願當今的劉備?)
2012, 06, 19

吕武吉 2012, 06, 18

Dear classmates,
When Percy and some other classmates mentioned about the domain name and some hosting issues, I would like to put in my two cents here. 
- I have checked out few hosting sites.  Some of them are free while others require fee.  This scenario applies to the domain name too.  If we are going to use .edu, there will be fee involved.  If we just go along with the free hosting site's offer, there won't be any charge for the domain name, server service or monthly hosting fee.  The free service, of course, has its down side such as limited storage space, no password function offer and etc.  However, if we just want to have a web site, not a web application to share information, pictures, and readings, we can go for a free simple site first and then expand to a fee hosting with more storage space later when it reaches its limit.
- Once we come to a consensus of an official name for our website, we should reserve it as a free or paid address to guarantee our ownership.  We can also discuss the choices of hosting sites.
- We can use both English and Chinese text in a mixed mode as we like.  Any browser ad website nowadays should support the Unicode standard.
- 師大附中62 is a very nice web site which provides lots of information.  They may have to use html coding to support it.  Charly, can you confirm it?   
- Security and privacy concerns:  春辉 brought up the password login function which is a very good idea.  However, for free hosting, the site does not support such feature.  If we want this feature, we will get into a real web development which involves more cost and maintenance services.  The trade-off for a free web site is we can post something that involves less privacy such as group pictures, reunion announcements and good article like Martin's essay about Shanghai.  Any individual information and family pictures will be posted only with the consensus of the individual.  We can lay out its functionality, features and a site map later.
- I prefer the website name as NTUFLL1966.  NTU is the official abbreviation of National Taiwan University which has been used in our school's biweekly alumni magazine and other official publications.  1966 is the Gregorian year that we graduated from NTU.  With the 19 prefixing 66 will differentiate the ROC year.
- I have reserved an address for a prototype that I want to experiment with the style and format of a website which can be shared later.  Currently it is still in the beginning stage.
黃雪蘭 Shelley Sun
2012, 06, 19

不過就最近的情勢看來,個人認爲先要厘清一件事:我們的網站是要給我們同學圈內做爲交流、回憶的平台(私密性高)? 還是做爲台大畢業生資料庫的一部分 (勇于公開)? 對我而言,答案是很明顯的:
前者,而且是不需要公開的 (除了我們的後代,可能局外人也沒什麽興趣來看)!
如果大家允許,先讓我沿著我的思路去推論,此網站 (或網域)的名稱越簡單、越容易記越好,原因:大家都老了,記憶力已漸漸背離我們而去。
結論:  既然只是小圈圈內的人在使用,也不必在乎有沒有跟外界接軌,我們只要循兩個因素考慮就行:
         1. 那個名稱我比較喜歡?2.那個名稱比較易于使用? 
別人我不知道,但是我,還有余光久,肯定把你記得很清楚。66年畢業旅行到達知本溫泉那晚,大家一起玩 "猜名遊戲", 有位女同學自己命名爲 “鴨嘴獸",由于名稱特殊,在遊戲中讓大家笑得人仰馬翻!那就是你,對不對?希望沒記錯。那次遊戲好像吳美智也有參加,可惜她.....
因爲被你冠上 "從來不寫信" 的標簽,所以現在努力發言,期能卸下標簽,希望沒有矯枉過正。
P.S.  自從同學互相聯系這段時間以來,我最大的困擾是:女同學結婚後英文名字都冠夫姓,因此Email address五花八門,令人看來眼花缭亂,尤其是你的,完全無法連貫、或記憶,嗚呼!
2012, 06, 19

Hi Shelley,
Nice to hear from you! My guess is that your profession, currently or before you retired, is
internet or web page operation related.
Why not update us about youself, your work and your family, preferably with some telltale
pictures? We'd love to know!
2012, 06, 19

Here I am in New York, wishing you all well and thanking you all who have put in effort to our reconnections.
 I agree with  潘明  that NTUFLL66 may work better, since we are part of the NTU, the name that is widely accepted.
In order to differentiate from other NTU (Newark Teachers Union, National Taxpayers Union, etc..), should we also make sure the domain name ends with .edu and not .com?
Thought to voice my humble opinion to show support.
2012, 06, 19

Hi, Everyone,
My husband, 張志軍, would like to express his opinion.  He likes TDWW66 because it's very simple.  Also, he said the domain name should end with .org instead of .edu because we are not an educational institute, but an organization.
2012, 06, 19

Same here, TDWW66 and 台大外文66.  Blessings, 楊梨惠
p.s.  Keep up the spirit, and we'll have the best 50-year Reunion in human history in four years!  There, let's go, Giblert, Angela, and  us all!
2012, 06, 19

Dear Classmates:
Yesterday I had a long luncheon conversation with a Chinese Christian pastor,touching on the Gnostics, the early Christians who claimed to have superior knowledge of spiritual things (早期基督教的霊智者)。
It then occurred to me that if we apply Confucius' above saying to the 正名 issue with a bit of re-interpretation, then both TUFLLD66 and TDWWX66 apear to be esoteric codes known only to those who are initiated like some of us. We have mentioned a Taoist, two monks and Christian theology.  Furthermore, Zen meditation is universal with no implication of subscription to any belief or religion.  How about "Taida Zen-Taoist Gnostics 66" or something more expressive instead of just initials which could mean so many different things as someone has pointed out.
TUFLLD66 or TDWWX66 ? / or NTUFLL66
2012, 06, 19

Have you ever seen this photo displayed at 老二相館 about the time we were graduating from Taida ?
When we were graduating, many of us had taken our graduating picture at 老二. Me too.
I have seen this photo enlarged and displayed there but didn't pay too much attention, have you noticed this photo then?
Guess who is he?........
Not until our engagement, that I saw this photo in my LK's photo albums. He graduated same year as us. But I always teased him how come he got into Taida 3 yrs earlier yet graduated at the same time with us? And he didn't have any slight idea that his photo was enlarged and displayed at 老二.
So this is my fairy tale: 醜女嫁帥哥. Hahaha! My mother's friend introduced him to me. It is against my own principle to marry a handsome man because then criticism would heap on my head, "how come that ugly lady married such a handsome man".  Yet God sent him to me, so unwillingly, I changed my principle and accepted this precious gift from Heaven.
 I dare not send you my picture because it is embarrassing that if you see real me, you will say how come you look so good in the photo? My theory is when 3 dimensional real stuff being transformed into 2 dimensional pictures, the pictures will be distorted. Luckily that my distortion turns out great while some beauties turn out  only so so. So please excuse me not to send any my own photo. but my spouse'. ( Of course, he is much older now, no longer very handsome yet he is like an old wine, the older the better. I thank God for that. 我的老陳乃"陳年老酒" 是也,Hahaha!
Percy, thank you very much that you still remember me and the incident of "鴨嘴獸", I no longer remember that. But since I am still a 老頑童 even now, I think it was possible that was the name I came up at that time. Fun to know even if it were not me. Heehee!
I suggest that we all introduce our spouse for others to know. My LK's photo is in our 66 Taida graduation album, if you still have it. And he has been detained 3 more yrs than us, waiting for me to graduate?? Smart as you are, you shouldn't have difficulty to find his name.( I think I've given out enough clues.) ( Gilbert probably knows his name since he was ROC consulate general in Seattle while we lived in Seattle long time ago, so Gilbert, please don't tell his name yet.)
I would like to go to LA reunion to surprise you guys except my high school buddy is coming this weekend and also it is Sunday.( I suggest next time reunion planned on Sat. instead) Miss seeing you all, have fun and have great time!!( I do know many of you.)
I've never realized that Martin was born in Shanghai, thank you for sharing your story. Below is my story about my dad's sunken ship 「神靖丸」 at the end of WWII. I was born FEB'45 and my dad died with the sunken ship in Jan.'45. Click the link if you like to know something about that ship and  the lost  page of Taiwan history.
ps. I suggest that our email addresses being put into group address, that way, they won't be easily stolen or hacked. Or we may use blind cc (BCC) to send out emails to everyone in the list.
God bless you and yours,
Bi-ho (洪美和)
2012, 06, 20

Dear  Wanda:
Sorry, this link should work.
心絃交響 Heartstring Echoes: 簡介「心有千千結」『Knots』 by R.D. Laing
Sorry, this time these two link s should work.( 2nd link is my translation)
I remember visiting you at  your Everette house maybe at X'mas time? with your wonderful decorations while you lived there and you forgot that?? Of course, we used to hang around. I was in our Freshman Basketball ladies' team with you, Clara and Guo, and Chiang Hui-mei...etc. I probably was the Jeremy Hong at that time, sitting in the cold bench, waiting to be recognized. Hahaha!
I also know your 2nd  ko-ko, the musician, singer too.
I enjoy seeing your family picture.
Maybe we will be able to go down to the 2nd mini-reunion, if it is held 7/28?
God bless!
2012, 06, 20

All classmates,
藍玄圃 asked me to update everyone about myself, my work and my family.  Since I did not have contact with most of our classmates in the last 46 years, I better 從善如流  give a brief update of myself. 
玄圃's guess for my profession is right.  I had worked in the IT field for 35 years before I retired.  Seemingly I'm a runaway from our FLLD.  When I came to the States in 1968, I changed my major to pursue a MS degree in Math emphasizing in computer science and statistics.  I started as a computer programmer and eventually advanced to system development project manager.  With the rise of the internet in the 1990s, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to lead the internet development group in the computer center where I worked until my retirement.  My husband, Peter Sun and I have both retired from work now.  We often visit our son, Derek in New York and our daughter, Candice in Beijing who will be relocated to Hong Kong in July. 
Since I am leaving for Beijing and Hong Kong on June 21 for about 5 weeks, I won't be able to attend the June 24 LA reunion.  I wish everyone has a great and joyful time and share their pictures and videos with us.
黃雪蘭 Shelley Sun
2012, 06, 20

I like  NTUFLL66.  既然用英文, 就用英文到底。 不要用中文直譯。 
好像大陸的翻譯, 全部用直譯, 有時候滿好笑的。

2012, 06, 20

I like Gilbert's idea of NTUFLL66. And Inan was right, like Chinese Mainland's way of saying things in English, I really do not know I should cry or laugh? That is my humble feeling. Wish everybody have a happy and healthy life.
Yours very truly,
Kenny Huang
2012, 06, 20

Hi Kenny and everybody,
When I set foot on Mainland China for the first time in 1990, I took the 港九直通車from Hong Kong to Guangzhou.  I laughed myself to death (笑死了) when I saw the sign "Ruanzuo" (软座) on the outside of the train car I was boarding.  By the time I checked in the top hotel in Guangzhou, the White Swan Hotel by the Pearl River, I was stunned by its beauty only to get moody and shameful later when I saw a Kleenix  box in my room with these printed letters "Weishengzhi."  I felt like crying (簡直想哭) because the many foreigners who stayed in this 5-star hotel must think that the Chinese, unknowingly me included, were all idiots.
The way you and Inan feel now about TDWW is the same way I felt then about that Ruanzuo carriage and the pack of Weishengzhi 22 years ago.  Those were the days when you walked into any public toilet in China you couldn't see any door, and people stared right back at you while shitting!
I swore I would never go back to China again, ever!  And yet I did.
13 years after the incident, I came back to China, and things were different.  A global rush to learn the Chinese language intensified almost by a thousand folds.  That's the time when I realized how good and important the Pinyin system is to the westerners to learn Chinese quickly.  They didn't have to learn the enigmatic Chinese characters or the 注音符號, in order to speak Chinese fluently.  Strange to say, I was kind of proud of being Chinese at that time even if I was from Taiwan. I knew then that when the foreigners saw the word "Ruanzuo" while travelling in China, they would love the word, instead of laughing or crying.
Now back to the future.  We are living in a digital age; we are messaging, testing, blogging more and more each day.  We will fall behind if we don't catch up the new vocabulary fast enough. We come across these acronyms on daily basis: OMG, ASAP, LOL, XD, SOB, MM, NB... We may not like them, but we must take them as they come.
In short, languages are just symbols, or signs. To use them skillfully and effectively is the key. So much for my reasoning for choosing TDWW66. And you know what--I like the idea of being different: While there must be hundreds of different organizations rushing to take the same NTU umbrella, including NTUH,  isn't it fun if we take a whole different appoach and keep it a secret among us?  Hey, we are all students of liturature full of imagination after all!
2012, 06, 20

在下2年前中文打字還是“波破磨福”那一套,“超人般”的“愛台”。後來面對文字工作越來越多,而Microsoft 總是西瓜靠大邊,使不上了,才拼了老命改用
2012, 06, 20

Yay! we saId in the very beginning, TDWW66 is UNIQUE! DIFFERENT! DISTINGUISHING!
Let's be trend-setters
2012, 06, 20

And it should suit Martin's requirements of an esoteric name.
2012, 06, 20

正名 : 台大外文系=英文台大​系
Dear Classmates
假如真正要『正名』的話,外文系實際上是英文系,這是孔子『君君臣臣父父子子』的正名本意,具有normative倫理意義,君要像君的典範樣子,臣要像臣傳統的典範樣子,··· 那麽外文系(英文系)畢業的人就要像英文系畢業生的樣子。老實說我也不知英文系畢業的人,除了會寫點英文外,到底要像什麽樣子?
若須以簡單、通用爲標准的話,我也選擇TDWW66, 但此 web site domain name雖然簡單也有缺點,同樣的名字太多了,如 Microsoft 並不用MS,而是, 甚至 , 優點是不會混淆,這是真正的『正名』。
What about or 其涵義幾乎是一目了然。
2012, 06, 21


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