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1966 台大外文系
1966 台大外文系(2)
1966 台大外文系(3)
All classmates,
藍玄圃 asked me to update everyone about myself, my work and my family. Since I did not have contact with most of our classmates in the last 46 years, I better 從善如流 give a brief update of myself.
玄圃's guess for my profession is right. I had worked in the IT field for 35 years before I retired. Seemingly I'm a runaway from our FLLD. When I came to the States in 1968, I changed my major to pursue a MS degree in Math emphasizing in computer science and statistics. I started as a computer programmer and eventually advanced to system development project manager. With the rise of the internet in the 1990s, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to lead the internet development group in the computer center where I worked until my retirement. My husband, Peter Sun and I have both retired from work now. We often visit our son, Derek in New York and our daughter, Candice in Beijing who will be relocated to Hong Kong in July.
Since I am leaving for Beijing and Hong Kong on June 21 for about 5 weeks, I won't be able to attend the June 24 LA reunion. I wish everyone has a great and joyful time and share their pictures and videos with us.
黃雪蘭 Shelley Sun
2012, 06, 20
I like NTUFLL66. 既然用英文, 就用英文到底。 不要用中文直譯。
好像大陸的翻譯, 全部用直譯, 有時候滿好笑的。
2012, 06, 20
I like Gilbert's idea of NTUFLL66. And Inan was right, like Chinese Mainland's way of saying things in English, I really do not know I should cry or laugh? That is my humble feeling. Wish everybody have a happy and healthy life.
Yours very truly,
Kenny Huang
2012, 06, 20
Hi Kenny and everybody,
When I set foot on Mainland China for the first time in 1990, I took the 港九直通车from Hong Kong to Guangzhou. I laughed myself to death (笑死了) when I saw the sign "Ruanzuo" (软座) on the outside of the train car I was boarding. By the time I checked in the top hotel in Guangzhou, the White Swan Hotel by the Pearl River, I was stunned by its beauty only to get moody and shameful later when I saw a Kleenix box in my room with these printed letters "Weishengzhi." I felt like crying (简直想哭) because the many foreigners who stayed in this 5-star hotel must think that the Chinese, unknowingly me included, were all idiots.
The way you and Inan feel now about TDWW is the same way I felt then about that Ruanzuo carriage and the pack of Weishengzhi 22 years ago. Those were the days when you walked into any public toilet in China you couldn't see any door, and people stared right back at you while shitting!
I swore I would never go back to China again, ever! And yet I did.
13 years after the incident, I came back to China, and things were different. A global rush to learn the Chinese language intensified almost by a thousand folds. That's the time when I realized how good and important the Pinyin system is to the westerners to learn Chinese quickly. They didn't have to learn the enigmatic Chinese characters or the 注音符号, in order to speak Chinese fluently. Strange to say, I was kind of proud of being Chinese at that time even if I was from Taiwan. I knew then that when the foreigners saw the word "Ruanzuo" while travelling in China, they would love the word, instead of laughing or crying.
Now back to the future. We are living in a digital age; we are messaging, testing, blogging more and more each day. We will fall behind if we don't catch up the new vocabulary fast enough. We come across these acronyms on daily basis: OMG, ASAP, LOL, XD, SOB, MM, NB... We may not like them, but we must take them as they come.
In short, languages are just symbols, or signs. To use them skillfully and effectively is the key. So much for my reasoning for choosing TDWW66. And you know what--I like the idea of being different: While there must be hundreds of different organizations rushing to take the same NTU umbrella, including NTUH, isn't it fun if we take a whole different appoach and keep it a secret among us? Hey, we are all students of liturature full of imagination after all!
2012, 06, 20
在下2年前中文打字還是“波破磨福”那一套,“超人般”的“愛台”。後來面對文字工作越來越多,而Microsoft 總是西瓜靠大邊,使不上了,才拼了老命改用
2012, 06, 20
Yay! we saId in the very beginning, TDWW66 is UNIQUE! DIFFERENT! DISTINGUISHING!
Let's be trend-setters
2012, 06, 20
And it should suit Martin's requirements of an esoteric name.
2012, 06, 20
正名 : 台大外文系=英文台大系
Dear Classmates
假如真正要『正名』的話,外文系實際上是英文系,這是孔子『君君臣臣父父子子』的正名本意,具有normative倫理意義,君要像君的典範樣子,臣要像臣傳統的典範樣子,··· 那麽外文系(英文系)畢業的人就要像英文系畢業生的樣子。老實說我也不知英文系畢業的人,除了會寫點英文外,到底要像什麽樣子?
若須以簡單、通用爲標准的話,我也選擇TDWW66, 但此 web site domain name雖然簡單也有缺點,同樣的名字太多了,如 Microsoft 並不用MS,而是www.microsoft.com, 甚至www.microsoftsecurityessentials.com , 優點是不會混淆,這是真正的『正名』。
What about :www.TAIDAenglish66.com or www.NTUenglish66.com? 其涵義幾乎是一目了然。
2012, 06, 21
那時候有幾本在台灣被禁的書如Formosa Betrayed(被背叛的美麗島)、Red Star over China(中國之紅星)、及The Other side of the River(河的彼岸)等,在大學圖書內都成為台灣留學生爭相借閱的書。在這些書的書頁空白處常有台灣留學生的中文眉批,甚至有眉批的眉批,好不熱鬧。對於部份政治敏感的學生來說,的確不容易專心讀書,在加州大學的柏克萊分校,甚至有留學生在博士學位快要完成的階段,放棄學位「從事革命去了」,頗為羅曼蒂克。
依稀記得那時正值中華人民共和國與美國建交之初,正是在文化大革命的高峰時期,南伊大的校園突然由中國大陸來了一位爭論性很大的人物──陳依範(Jack Chen)。他的父親陳友仁是國民政府武漢時期的外交部長,因為祖母是千里達 (Trinidad)的土著,所以雖然是華人後裔,外表看起來仍顯然具有黑人的血統。他回北京前長期居住在外國,受過英國教育,也當過香港遠東經濟評論(Far Eastern Economic Review)的記者,所以他一口正宗道地的女皇英語(Queen’s English)在南伊大校園的演講,相當引人注意。
我在讀者投書上說我是台灣去的留學生,少數右派國民黨的學生之立場不能代表一般華人的立場,並尖銳地批評說若孫中山先生地下有知必不得安寧(making Dr. Sun Yat-sen turn in his grave)。信登出來之後立即引起很大的反響,右派國民黨認為我「為匪宣傳」,簡直是造反,套一句當時白色恐怖統治之術語,可以說是「思想有問題」。另外一方面我得到了大多數留學生的輿論支持,在後來一個月內持續的筆戰中,有兩三位香港去的留學生公開寫信支持我,大部份台灣去的留學生,以沉默大眾的身份在私下給我道義上的支持。
Hi, Shelley:
How nice to see this update, which makes everything alive. Many of us changed our majors when we came to the U.S., except a couple of exceptionally gifted classmates who continued plowing in the field of literature. I admire them greatly.
Yours has been a quite successful career, which must have brought you a lot of joy and sense of achievement; not mention you have a wonderful family. After retiring from our rigid schedules, now is time to travel and to cherish relationships. However, Dio and I are "stationary" people, not so much into going to places. We admire those who can always pickup and go
Sorry our 6/24 reunion is three days too late for us to see you. Next time!
Have a great trip to Beijin and Hong Kong. Love to hear from you when you are back and recuperate from it, ha!
Dio and Clara
2012, 06, 21
Glad to hear from you. I realized that you also live in Northern CA. Maybe when you come back we can have another reunion in the northern CA. I know we have about 9 classmates here.
I know you are leaving today, when you have time, please check 潘明's email address because when I tried to send this email, the computer said his email address is not a valid one.
Have a nice trip!
2012, 06, 21
從 ‘esoteric' 又跳到 ‘一目了然’?! :)
2012, 06, 21
我們現在終于有了雪蘭 – 電腦系統專家,重瑜 – 語言學家。我想象中的外文系66未來網站是一片的燦爛,有許多的互動 – 無比寬宏的,自由發揮的,絕不計較的。這是理想中的外文系66的精神,也是我們網站須守著的一個特色。
我仔細的讀了武吉高深度的兩篇文章 - 《對台灣認同中之政治文化抉擇》, 《親情、尋根、與上海》- 及美和真情流露,寬恕的《被遺忘的一頁台灣史「神靖丸」》;告訴大家,我很感動!
2012, 06, 21
Actually by "esoteric" I refer to the initials known only to insiders. I personally prefer something more expressive such as "Microsoft".
2012, 06, 21
Isn't that making " TDWW66 " more unique? nothing wrong with being only known to the insiders is it?
just my humble opinion...but will go with the majority
Good night!
2012, 06, 21
Hi Percy:
You persuaded me. I changed my mind. Like 49 years ago you did to me with Rock Music and Country & Western Music. Even now I am learning songs from Youtube.com and try to memorize the lyrics. Do you know why I am doing this? First, to enjoy life. Seocnd, hopefully will slowdown the aging of my brain. I do have a friend, retired from SUNY( State University of New York), he was the professor teaching Medical Doctors. And he is only couple of years older than me, but now when he gets out of his home, he does not know how to go home immediately. My son is a surgeon, I asked him why? He said the Brain is like the physcal body needs excercise. So retirement did not do him good. Poor Wretched man. So, everyone of my dear friends do not stop and keep going. Enjoy Life!
Yours very truly,
Kenny Huang (黃顯意)
2012, 06, 21
Martin cc: Inan
Percy (藍玄圃)
2012, 06, 21
我在Cornell拿到學位,在新加坡教了三十幾年書,最後一個工作是在台灣師範大學國科會客座一年,就正式退休了。(但是還在寫東西;寫寫東西,YouTube 上聽聽歌,自得其樂!)
2012, 06, 21
Hi Kenny,
I'm relieved to receive your email. I've been expecting an angry letter from you kicking my ass for attempting to reverse your decision. How great it is that you have acepted my theory! You are indeed my college buddy even if we haven't seen each other for 40 years or so.
I'm also touched that you still remember that I was the one to convert your love of music to a different genre. Obviously, I did the right thing, judging from your email.
BTW, you never tried to convert me to a Christian. Truthfully, you also did the right thing. Why? Because if you had tried to do that, it wouldn't have worked anyway. Why bother? Ha ha ha .....
Your son is absolutely right. Listening to music will undoubtedly keep your brain active and sharp.
The invention of walkman and MP3 has renewed and enhanced my love of Rock and Roll music, needless to say the popularity of YouTube today, which I started to use very often since I bought the iPad 2.
I would like to refer to you a few videos available on YouTube which are some of my favorites and also among the best ever produced:
1. The Diamonds : Little Darlin'
2. Back Street Boys : I Want It That Way
3. Michael Jackson : Smooth Criminal
4. Michael Jackson : Black Or White
5. Jennifer Lopez : If You Had My Love
6. Britney Spears : Baby One More Time
7. Taylor Swift : You Belong With Me
8. Aerosmith : Amazing
9. Guns n' Roses : November Rain
10. Black Eyed Peas : I Gotta Feeling (The UBC campus version)
Lastly, Kenny, you might like the following joke(s) I share with Dio.
cc Kenny
When you confessed in your earlier email that you might have hurt the feelings of some of our female classmates during our college days, and volunteered an apology if any such cases did really occurr, I admire your sincerity, and your courage as well.
What the hell! Many people that I knew back then liked to crack a few jokes even dirtier than tha ones you could come up with.
I myself have a confession to make too: I like all kinds of jokes, including dirty ones! During these past few years of my stay in China, and facing so much corruption and bullshit daily, I need to seek some mind-soothers to remain sober. And I am surprised to find so many talented comedians on TV and jokes/puns writers in Weibo.
I have hesitated to share some with you as many of our classmates are ladies. Then I think--
What the heck! We are all near 70 years of age, there is nothing to be embarrased of. And if someone is embarrased reading these, well, it shows that he or she is still young at heart.
Either way it's OK with us, I guess. So read this and laugh, if you cannot help:
二奶回娘家…無公而還! 一群太監開會…無雞之談; 女人多次離婚…前公盡棄;
男子裸奔…吊兒郎當; 女子裸奔…空穴來風; 小孩裸奔…來日方長; 老頭裸奔…永垂不朽;
全中國搞計劃生育....中華鼈精; 男人和女人的區別...比上不足,比下有余
2012, 06, 21
Hi, Kenny,
It sounds like he has alzheimer disease.
2012, 06, 21
How come I didn't see the emails between you and Dio? Are you gentlemen sending e-mails behind our female classmates?
I like the jokes. The last two are really funny! Don't worry, at our age, we heard many jokes already - including the dirty ones.
Will try to listen to the songs you like when I have time.
四臧: 美彌 and I talked to each other already. We will pick her up. Don't worry.
2012, 06, 21
Hello everyone,
First, a clarification. Percy and I have not been communicating in secret so far. :-)
Second, this is the first time I received Percy's jokes myself. I have to admit that I did laugh while I read them, but I also have to let everyone know that this is not the genre I used to indulge in, nor am I old enough to feel comfortable with it yet! :-) No "holier than thou" issue here. Just to clear up some possible misunderstanding! My offense to our classmates would have been mostly sarcasm and inconsideration. That's bad enough!
I do love to listen to the pop songs of the 50's, 60's and 70's. They bring back such wonder nostalgic feelings of the innocent good old days! I was too involved in career and family and spiritual pursuits in the years after the 70's to spend much time listening to pop music and the newer pop songs are just too hard on my ears! After my retirement three years ago, I even bought a Karaoke set up with some oldies CDs, but I have been too busy to find time to actually use it much! :-(
After hearing so many thorough deliberations on the name of our blog, I can see the value of different viewpoints. Right now, I think we should just tally the votes and go with the majority, or just let someone with enough conviction to pick it for us. I have my preference of TDWW66, but I can go with whatever! :-)
Dio 楊嘉書
2012, 06, 21
Dear all:
Too bad. I can't go to join your reunion on June 24.
心絃交響 Heartstring Echoes: 假如我是一個平面人
心絃交響 Heartstring Echoes: 池塘裏的鯉魚--BH 摘譯自 “Hyperspace”
Above, just send two more links from my personal blog. (I've encountered with a few Atheist's friends who have PhDs in science and insist they have no soul. So here are my modest efforts to counter them, I'm like David fighting Goliath though.) You are welcome to comment.
Martin in my memory is a serious philosopher, isn't he? I have never realized that Kenny was Percy's buddy. I did see Kenny once at TAC in Bay Area not too long ago. He looked younger now. I used to think he looked like an O-ji-san back when we were young. (my honest opinion, please don't get offended.)
It seems to me that I start to know you guys better now. A good start.
Thanks again to Gilbert Pan. Here below are two links.
春輝, I think you used to live in 1st or 3rd women's Dorm in our college years, Am I right?
Have a fun reunion, my dear friends!
God bless you and yours,
Bi-ho (洪美和)
2012, 06, 22
Hi Ang-Bi-Ho Che Chu-Lai-Peng-An:
Goa Sit chai ka li kong. My impression of you is a pure devoted Ki-Tok-To. That is why God sent you the best for your husband. God had been very gracefull with me. When I was young I looked old and mature and that was good for me to start business. Now I am old and look young, it is not that everybody's wish? Thank you for your remarks. Keep the good works. God be with you.
Yours very truly,
Kenny Huang (黃顯意)
2012, 06, 22
Hay, Kenny and Eleanor, are we having some "secret code" going on here? Demand translation, haha!
Checked out the two blog links. Good job, Beho. It's a serious and/but difficult thing to talk about, to give analogy, or to convince the skeptics. I'm very grateful that there was a mighty hand that drew me out of the pond and changed my perspective of life, and now the "new world" is more real than the life-in-the-pond.
Thanks much.
Clara (丁菡嬰)
2012, 06, 22
主内平安, Clara
I guess most of you have already figured out the Romanized Taiwanese highlighted in Kenny’s e-mail below. Thanks for the opportunity to re-learn the language I learned at church as a child.
Hi Ang=洪 Bi=美 Ho=和 Che =姐 Chu=主 Lai=内 Peng=平 An=安
我真實地 告訴你 基督徒
Goa Sit chai ka li kong. My impression of you is a pure devoted Ki-Tok-To.
Thank you all for very refreshing and informative emails. Quoting元评 on “一個道士,三個和尚” “解鈴還需繫鈴人” I will leave it to Kenny and Eleanor to correct mistakes in the translation.
Karen Y (陳幸珍,Yamakawa, Karen)
2012, 06, 22
Dear Karen:
Now I know who you are. It is true with all the changed last name, it is hard to know who is who.
Your translation of pe-oe-ji is 100% correct.
I am glad that Kenny doesn't mind I called him O-ji-san. He does look younger now. haha!
People keep reinventing the wheel and invent new systems, I do like the original church Taiwanese Romanization that have a long history.
Siong-te chiok-hok lin tai-ke!
Bi-ho (洪美和,Eleanor Chen)
2012, 06, 22
對方若是不懂中文的,哪好辦,“ I am Chinese”, 事情就解決,不再有正名問題。
我在平面媒體發表過幾篇“我是什麽人?“的稿件,附上讓大家過目。各位若有同樣或異樣的看法時都請”直筒筒“(雲娥的毫氣)的回應,當作老人滋補,“No Big Deal” (嘉書的大氣)。能幫我解開心節的,哪真得是感激不盡了。
2012, 06, 22
I love your email to death! (愛死了!) 等我看完你的全部大作,再給你我的讀後感。
Can I call you Eleanor? You will make my day if you consent.
I have zero problem reading the cryptograph between you and Kenny based for two reasons:
1. I'm Taiwanese 2. I'm familiar with all kinds of phonetic symbols. But to many, your messages are funny---leaving them not knowing whether to laugh or cry (quoted from Kenny). Just kidding! I enjoy reading your emails just the same.
These are my thoughts after reading your two articles.
Instead of bailing them out of water and confounding them with the unkown world beyond the
water surface, why can't we just leave the carps alone? I'm sure they are happier just swimming all day long in the pond, and watching the lotus dance in ripples throughout their lives!
Instead of pitying the ants which basically live in a two-dimensional world, sort of, why God creates this species and then tries to up-grade them?
My concept of the universe is beyond dimensional considerations. I think we live in a world of
"infinite" dimensions, and it takes "infinite" years to explore. The scientists are groping their ways to find more dimentions -- a similar mentality like the theologists but with a different approach.
I personally prefer the scientific method.
I'm sorry if I memorize wrongly about your early jokes. My apology! Truthfully, I don't think you need to feel sorry or owe anybody an apology. A joke is just a joke, making people laugh, regardless of which category it belongs to.
Since you're a dedicated Christian, may I ask one question:
Is profanity considered a sin?
It always marvels me how time can change people. I used to look like a serious person, according to Wanda. Now it looks as if you are the serious one, and I begin to tell jokes, much saltier ones than yours I reckon.
I'm glad to hear that you also listen to American music, including the 60's. For the sake of reminiscing,
Do you like Annette's "O Dio Mio," a hit of 1960? I would request Clara to sing this song during the Karaoke session of your 6/24 party. We will see some videos, won't we?
Percy (藍玄圃)
2012, 06, 22
Was fun to read all your mails.
Mainland Chinese always take me as Taiwanese, and Taiwanese always (I should say used to) take me as mainland Chinese. After numerous revisions, I now say, "I was born in China, grew up in Taiwan, but living in the States."
Detecting my accent, westerners were always curious, especially over the phone.They like to ask where I come from.
Not a solution to your 煩惱, just to share the same story of our generation.
Wish I could type Chinese as well as you guys do.
2012, 06, 22
Hi Clara:
That is not some secret code. It has been used by Christians in Amoy, Swatou & Chewchiew Southern Fu-Chien and Taiwan as Romanized Min-Nan-Hua that once prohibited by Chiang-Ching-Kuo administration.
But it has been used almost 150 years. Like founding fathers of the US they refuse the persecutions of the Church of England, they came to US therefore the nurturing of the democracy. I would say in Taiwan, the Christians are the ones having relations with English & American & Candians Missionaries. So more or less Christians having more knowledge about what was going on in the Western World. Eventually the Two-party politics gave birth to Taiwan. Though Christians are about only 3% in Taiwan, but I would say the process to go into Today's Taiwan Democracy as one of the world model or at least the role model of PROC. Thank you for your inquiry, I do feel that I have the obligation to explain these to you. Peace be with you and your family.
Yours very truly,
Kenny Huang
2012,06, 22
Hi Lucy,
And if you visit China, they call you 台胞,and ask to see your 台胞證 with a Visa (interesting!).
They refuse to even look at your Golden-sealed R.O.C. passport (as per the term of Tsai Yenping).
Well, maybe not you, because you always have the luxury of taking the other alternative -- presenting your American passport. But, get ready for this, if you do that while travelling in China, they call you 海龜(歸)。
By now, Lucy, I've come to terms with that like you. I'm amused, no longer indignant.
Don't worry about the problem of typing Chinese on the keyboard. Now that iPhone 4S is equipped with Siri function. Pretty soon, all computers and cell phones will all be voice activatable. That, of course, depends on our ability to survive the launching date of iPhone 6 or iPhone 7.
2012, 06, 22
Hi All,
I agree with what Dio said that "after hearing so many thorough deliberations on the name of our blog, I can see the value of different viewpoints. Right now, I think we should just tally the votes and go with the majority" but I would not like to see anyone individual, however convicted he/she may be, adopt/establish the name arbitrarily on his/her own.
So far TDWW66 has gotten the overwhelming majority vote,i.e.,Percy Lan, Tsai Yen-Ping,Clara Yang, Dio Yang, Angela Lew, Donna Chiang, CH Chang魏春辉, 徐曼玲 Jean Wiborg, Kenny Huang,...
I suggest that we leave the voting open till 6/23, then we can tally the votes and settle the name at the 6/24 reunion according to the result.
Always go for democracy,
Angela 左四臧
2012, 06, 22
Hi Yang-Chia-Su:
In my eyes, you are the real hero in our class. I do not have to tell you, you know it. For the 4 years in TDWW I have been persuing my dreamed one but without any accomplishment. But life is short, now we are Grand parents. I remember that you sang well the Rock musics ( to me I feel they are love songs, as Spanish said Musica Romantica) I learned and building the habit to listen to these music from Percy Lan. I knew you are good at them also. But to be frankly, my time was really limited to share with you in those days, due to the fact that you committed with your better half most of the time. Tell me, if I am wrong. Everyday, I listen to these music and try to memorize the lyrics and sing them to make life happy. I love old church hymns also, because they are so comforting. Enjoy music, enjoy life! Guan Siong-Te chiok-Hok Li kap li chuan-ke.( May God Bless you and your family.)
Yours very truly,
Kenny Huang (黃顯意)
2012, 06, 22
Karen, Kenny:
Thank you so much for providing the "translation" :) Now I remember when I was young I had seen these Romanized Taiwanese but not remember where and how. Since I went to the Air Force Elementary School where no one spoke Taiwanese, so I was never very good in that. However, my mom learned it and spoke fluently.
When I verbalized according to what you wrote, the memory came back and they made a lot of sense :)
When Dio and I attended Bible studies every Friday night with my older brother and his family in San Diego in early 1970's, we were so skeptical about Christianity (but not Christians), and did everything we could to argue/ debate, tried to win over them. The loving Christians of that group finally sighed, "These two are hopeless cases!" I am so grateful that they probably gave up on us, and yet God didn't :) the past 40 some years have been more than wonderful and blessed with the hope of better things.
Kenny, Eleanor, 美彌,etc. If some of you in North Calif. ever decide to have a mini-reunion, we would do our best to be there. For the Nov. reunion, we probably won't make it, but look forward to the 50th gold one :)
Clara Yang
2012, 06, 23
Dear Percy,
I can fully appreciate your comments regarding Eleanor's two articles. To liken ourselves to carps or ants and be satisfied with the status quote is a common way of looking at life. Many people live quite successfully with that worldview. Those are the fortunate ones, in a sense.
From the Christian point of view, life is a lot more than swimming in a pond and gathering food for physical existence for a few short moments....especially when we realize the pond is filled with polluted water and the anthill is about to be inundated by flood water. (Sorry for this unpleasant analogy.)
Humans are not like carps or ants or any other creatures in this universe. The Bible tells us that we are created in the image of God and there is a intrinsic value in you and me that transcends the material and temporal existence we call life. We are also created with a lofty and glorious purpose for which we can find fulfillment in no place other than in God Himself.
God is not trying to "up-grade" creatures like carps and ants. God has a renewed heaven and earth in the future for them. God is not even trying to "upgrade" humans. He has pronounced the old fallen life dead on the cross of Jesus, and offers the new etrnal life through the resurrection of Jesus from the grave for all who would simply believe with a childlike trust.
The analogy of multiple dimensions is illuminating, but like all such analogies, it can only go so far. The Bible speaks of a spiritual realm which underlies the physical and yet transcends it. Each of us may have our personal and cultural perception of what the spiritual realm is like, but its reality is beyond reasonable doubt and experience.
It's interesting that you speak of scientific method and infinity in the same breath. Infinity is only a mathematical concept which has no conceivable physical reality....not in time or space or physical quantity. And yet science can only reliably deal with that which is physically "real". One would have to reasonably conclude that when it comes to the search for God and life's meaning, science can only point to us a general direction, but can not lead us to the final conclusion.
It is also interesting that you asked if profanity is considered a sin. I do not know if you asked that question in the frame work of my concept of sin, or you also acknowledged there is such a thing called sin. Sin in its broadest definition is "missing the mark". It goes beyond just moral and ethical transgress. It is more than breaking of the moral law. It is also not meeting the standard and goal of one's entrusted purposes. Of course, the last two statements make practical sense only if we acknowledge the law-giver and the purpose-setter..... namely God. And His law and purpose are meaningful only to those who are in relationship with Him.
For someone who doesn't believe in a personal God, it's meaningless to talk about sin. For him there is no sin but personal preferences. There is no compelling moral standard to which he must comply. There is no one to whom he'd ultimately have to answer.
Is profanity a sin? The postmodern culture does not think so. The politically-correct wouldn't say so. Our sin-stained old nature would rather it not be. From the standpoint of a fellow sinner, I wouldn't call it so with a pointing finger and an indignant eye. But, according to the teaching of the Bible, it surely misses the mark. As a Christian who take the Word of God seriously, I wouldn't want to engage in it any more than I would with any other "questionable" things. :-)
Yes, thank God, in many ways I'm not the old me any more. In spite of my happy-go-round appearance, I was never really happy and satisfied with the way life was. Thank God that He did not allow to continue in my empty and aimless ways for too long. In a sense, I was one of the truly fortunate ones.
But then, I'm still the same person with just little more white hair and somewhat coarser singing voice! I just checked out the song "O Dio Mio" on Youtube. I didn't know that song before, but it sure sounded familiar even as I listened to it for the first time!
Okay, I better stop before this email becomes too tiresome! :-)
Dio 楊嘉書
2012, 06, 23
1966 台大外文系
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2012, 06, 21
林莉:非常感謝您的寶貴資料及熱心指導。除了继續搜尋增補同學錄外,本人因乏設置網站相關技能,故至盼有熱心同學早日挺身而出。謹代表1966 外文系全體同學再度謝謝您及CharIy的協助與指導。耑復。順頌
2012, 06, 22
02 同學:
太感謝鄭傳志的努力,更感謝你的正面反應 - 接受這個不容易的工作,幫助我們這些 “網”盲 :)
非常感謝。我們的班長也是另一位非常費心費力促成這一切的。我們拭目以待 台大外文66 美麗的網站!!!
Clara 丁菡嬰
2012, 06, 22
02決定先整理大家在02睡覺時交換的電郵(真的不少,建議大家習慣上部落格留言,因為各位的mailing list並不完整,02要不斷整理,趕不上各位的速度,尤其是蔡元評學長那剛分享的23456五篇文章),並記錄下這個振奮人心的消息。提供通訊錄後,再與董學長及<