Blog Entry: 四年級部落格 ID: 642992


1972 台大化學系


日期: 2012年9月17日上午8:57
主旨: Re: Need your help to locate an NTU graduate.
收件者: Grade4 Moderator




日期: 2012年9月17日上午7:55
主旨: Need your help to locate an NTU graduate.
收件者: ella

Dear Ella,




Looking forward to hearing from you.

林莉 (AKA 02)

日期: 2013年8月16日上午8:05
主旨: Re: Need your help to locate an NTU graduate.
收件者: ella




日期: 2013年8月16日上午11:54
主旨: Re: Need your help to locate an NTU graduate.
收件者: Grade4 Moderator

Dear 林莉,

雷時勁是我的外子,他說他不認識你,我也不認識你,很想知道你是如何得知我的電郵? 不過,我被你的誠意打動,我們也許會在九月初到台灣旅遊,如有機緣很想結識你,你能告訴我們到時如何與你聯絡上,好嗎?



日期: 2013年8月16日下午12:58
主旨: Re: Need your help to locate an NTU graduate.
收件者: ella

Dear 李學姊,



至於如何得知您的信箱並猜中您就是雷學長夫人,我在通訊錄中有註記(德明高中67義的李國華(Lui, Ella)住同一城市,相同Last name,很可能是雷時勁的太太),最主要是替化學系搜尋雷學長時,看到下列資料。




1972 NTU



林莉 (AKA 02)

日期: 2013年8月16日下午1:34
主旨: Re: Need your help to locate an NTU graduate.
收件者: Grade4 Moderator








2013, 08, 16



Take care.......................Ella
2013, 08, 16

日期: 2013年8月18日上午9:51
主旨: Fwd: Need your help to locate an NTU graduate.
收件者: 572852 陳丕燊


林莉 (AKA 02)

Dear CC,

I got this message from Ms. Lin Li, who asks me to forward this message to you about the visit of 雷時勁 in September. She assumes that you knew each other since 香港德明中學 and 台大 days.

With my best regards,

2013, 08, 18

Dear Pisin,
Dear Lillian,
Dear Ella,
Best regards,
2013, 08, 19

Dear 梁次震學長、陳丕燊學長、雷時勁學長、李國華學姊,





Happy reunion!


2013, 08, 19


Best regards,



Best regards,

2013, 08, 19





1972 NTU

台大1972級校友聯絡狀況 (看看名單,誰失聯,誰聯絡上,誰先走一步,應該也可以帶回許多快樂的回憶)

Looking forward to meeting you.

2013, 08, 19

謝謝妳的一片熱帎! 這次妳的電郵來得及時,不然就錯過了(我們8/23便啟程)。希望9月初能在台北和你們一聚。


Ella (李國華)
2013, 08, 19

Dear Si-King,
Let me try to catch you in email. My name is 劉陵崗, with student number 572313. I am more than glad to receive a carbon copy of the email by  Si-King to CC, from 林莉 yesterday. Remember it was the 40th anniversary in 2012 for all of us as NTU alumni when 林莉 helped us a lot in connecting many of the lost 5723 people.
Per itinerary of Si-King and Ella, could I look for an opportunity that chemistry classmates in Taipei area get together for a possible class reunion? Let me know if you and Ella could spare one evening for a meal during your stay in Taipei from September 7-11? If positive, I'll then follow up with messages to the 5723 group to see how many are coming.
I have been in 中央研究院化學所 for all my career and shall retire mandatorily in 2 more years. Although I work in Taiwan, I have not had a chance to meet 次震 personally yet after graduating from NTU.
With best regards,
2013, 09, 01

             電話 (02) 2722 2888

弟 梁次震敬上
2013, 09, 02



我是政治系轉商學系,和大一政治系感情不亞於商學系,我笑那些大二才轉學轉系進政治系其實從未同過班的同學,如葉匡時(現任交通部長)、高朗(曾任總統府副秘書長)、張國葆(現任駐希臘代表)、周陽山(現任監察委員)、陳明通(曾任陸委會主委),要不是我們落跑,把位子空出來,他們也進不了政治系。我感謝畢業30年後因為用「泛」這個概念組織大學聯絡網,讓我又多了許多大學時已經擦肩而過的同學。將心比心,572336 梁次震、572339 鍾麗婷、572342 莊祖萱、572409胡戡學長姊們,不論在國內還是海外,都是同學。


我的任務是從默默閱讀大家的email exchanges中發現可以效勞的地方,工作完成才打擾大家一下。希望替各系帶回所有失聯同學。



572304 石元新 如果仍然失聯,骨科名醫石漢興(石元新的二哥)出國 9月8日(周日)晚上6~10點門診,可以去電新北市祐民醫院詢問。
572324 李啟智
572338 蘇基雄
572340 程競生



Happy Reunion!

林莉 (AKA 02)
2013, 09, 05

2013, 09, 05

Dear ALL:

I am sorry that I can not attend the meeting this time.

Best wishes to all of you.

Ming-Shi Shiao  (蕭明熙)
2013, 09, 05

謝謝, 小弟卸下公職後, 8月起專任中原大學企管系講座教授, 多次與企業或學術團體分享經驗, 並參予公益性諮詢活動, 日子很充實, 祝大夥平安愉快, 顏祥 敬上
2013, 09, 05

大家好 ! 我是龐憶華, 我在香港,剛退休,但仍然在香港教育學院兼一些課,去年11月本來想到台來參加40週年活動,但母親病重,走不開;9/9 來不了,希望你們歡聚;我有機會到台灣時,會跟你們聯絡。謝謝陵崗兄一直穿針引線,還有顏祥兄常送上年咭,最近大家連繫多了,我很開心收到你們消息,想多知道你們的近況,寶華、克希、泰然都好嗎?有時勁、元龍消息嗎?
謝謝收看 !
2013, 09, 05

很羡慕你及不少同學均已退休但仍生活充實。我仍全時間工作,仍住華府DC,但醫院是在PA. 歡迎來訪以盡地主之誼。離我較近的大概是義忠兄。若榮峻兄仍在Baltimore, 也近,希望能有他消息。我也失去與泰然兄聯絡了。懷念在台大查經班時之相聚,一幌就40年!盼保重!主恩永偕。
2013, 09, 05


2013, 09, 05

Dear 陵崗:

Thank you for the arrangement. I will  attend with my wife.

Best regards,

2013, 09, 07

有關 9月 9日(一)晚餐同學會安排如下
雷時勁夫婦、梁次震、楊保華、王義忠、劉陵崗、施顏祥(會稍晚抵達)、陳勳琦、蔡明道夫婦、黃泰然、林莉+one guest from Hong Kong
林清輝 出國
李光輝 出國
蕭明熙 有事
鄭江敦 有事
周大新 出國
蕭光志、江炯聰 還未能用電話聯絡上
2013, 09, 08








2013, 09, 08


2013, 09, 09



2013, 09, 09(早上9:33)


2013, 09, 09 同壽司日本料理餐廳

2013, 09, 09 同壽司日本料理餐廳

2013, 09, 09 同壽司日本料理餐廳

2013, 09, 09 同壽司日本料理餐廳

2013, 09, 09 同壽司日本料理餐廳

2013, 09, 09  同壽司日本料理餐廳

Thanks a lot for those clear photos taken by Grade4 Moderator.
However, I do not agree what she wrote
572324 李啟智
572338 蘇基雄
572340 程競生

We need to collect 2 additional 1972ntuchem (汎5723) classmates in order to make Homerun.
572343 XXX nick name "馬來" ------- See attached photo 1 (The right-most guy)
5623?? 張維華 --------------------- See attached photo 2 (僑生 from Japan?)

Need 1973ntuchem (泛5823) classmates' help to get the info of the following 2 classmates
572324 李啟智 台南一中 (1968因病休學一年) 1973 畢業
572340 程競生 (駐外人員子弟) ... 1973 畢業

Need 僑生's help to get info of
572338 蘇基雄

Attach photo 3 for fun!

2013, 09, 10


2013, 09, 10

Dear All:
After looking at attached first photo, I was on the very left. I was ID# 572342, I have to stand out and share something 
with you. I think very few classmates will still remember me. 
I was transferred to Dept of Library Science after only finished first year in Dept of Chemistry. I still remember the few girls in the class, like Wang Bi (572303) and 572314- Fang Chai Ling, Li Rong Li (572315), Hong si Chi (572319), Chung Li Ting (572339) and Liu Ji Li (572341) and many names jumped out from my old memories, too. Sorry not to mention all of you.
I am glad whoever put me on the contact list, I was graduated from Dept of Library Science and worked first year and half at Graduate Institute of Economics (NTU) with Professor Li Deng Huei, Hua Yen and Professor Liang Kuo Su.  Later I worked at China External Trade Development Council- CETDC (Now as World Trade Center) for over 13.5 years , filed early retirement when I was only 38 yrs old and moved to Los Angeles till now.
After few years with 3 kids and I started working at Freight Forwarding companies till now. It is kind like International Shipping Agency. My EM address had changed and I am using work EM because I never check EM at home, away from computer after office hours- fully relaxed- no stress after work.
I can not believe this will happen after 41 years- after looking at the pictures when we were young and now lots of us changed to gray hair and bold? We all need TINT our hair to cover the lost of our youth. And most of us gained a lot of weight- like me. I am ashamed to face all of you. 40 years can make a person change so much entirely, we still keep our memories at the corner of our hearts. Now I believe most of us are Grand Parents or to be.
Thank you all for giving me refresh memories and showing my 3 daughters that I was once so young with all my lassmates....
P.S. 572340 Cheng Jin Shen – his mom was my mother’s classmates in China.
He was living in Yang Ming Shan before, and I am the “Dipolmate’s Kid” when my father was sent to the Chinese Embassy in Republic of Philippines, Manila.
I was transferred in 1972 from University of Philippines to NTU after finished 3 semesters from their Dept. of Chemistry (I majored chemistry because I did not know their Tagalog at all, chemistry is easier for me, I never like the smell in the LAB- that was why I finally transferred my major to what I like. )- So, he was not Diplomate’s Kid, it was “ME”! His father was professor in “Wen Hua Suei Yuan” in Yang Ming Shan when he was in NTU. My Mom is 95 yrs old and living with me, I will try to check with their old classmates about his mom and tracking down to him...(If we send EM, it’s better with ID# so we know the Chinese name of everyone. Sorry For using English EM, hope it is okay with everyone.)
Best Regards,
Virginia Ku 莊祖萱
(Tsuhsuan Chuang)
2013, 09, 11

謝謝你, 林莉同學, 讓我們同學一個個現身、、

2013, 09, 11



Stone 也是多年,未見身旁的美女是誰?





2013, 09, 11

Good to know an old classmate from Hong Kong now lives in Toronto.  Next time we come to the city be sure to give us names of great Chinese restaurants.

Same question for 石元新(as from 王碧)?

小龜I honestly don't remember 作馬來的槍手. 大一只記得普化上了幾節課因為有剛回國的教授, 在體育館考微積分發現你的演譯答案是從後反往前寫, 周魯補考, 逃課打彈子, 還有大颱風天停課在新生大樓前涉水與你, 大紓找第四個伴打麻將(夏宇明?).


下次回台灣 到髙雄找你

2013, 09, 12

1. How come you get involve with Dept of Chem in NTU? Since you were Dept of Business in NTU? (02回覆:我在2007年發起台大全屆畢業30重聚,2011年發起全屆畢業40重聚,已經陪著1971、1972、19767~1983舉辦完他們自己的Reunions,過程中,每一個系我都協助尋找失聯同學,並且將曾經同班過但是沒有同時同班畢業的同學放回聯絡網,讓大家選擇是否要重拾過去校園的回憶。)
2. I forgot how you get my information and put me through this? (02回覆:從資料比對中我發現您是化學轉圖館,所以我是從圖館系找到您的資料,我通常並不會先詢問當事人是否同意歸隊,或是歡迎落跑的同學歸隊,我認為詢問意願有時會遇到「近鄉情怯,擔心對方不記得、不認同」的自我預設立場。我認為絕大多數過了半百的同學都會珍惜曾經共同擁有過的校園交集。讓大家看到「不可能」變成「可能」,自然會發現許多「不可能」其實是多慮。)
3. Where are you living now?
4. All the information below is correct, my EM address will be effective till I retire at the age of 66.
5. I live in Lomita City since 1986 when I moved to US. I love this 20000 population small town at the corner of Torrance.
Thanks for all your effort and I enjoy reading all the communications between old classmates, I wonder did I still exist in their memories? (02回覆:如果您是男生,我就不敢保證了,哈哈哈。感謝您證實我的理論「曾經同學能夠知道大家近況是一種享受」,謝謝您先出聲,化解同學們擔心您或許不想歸隊。其實梁次震學長也是先表態記得大家,化學系才熱烈回應的。)

Best Regards,
Virginia Ku (Tsuhsuan Chuang)
2013, 09, 12

Hi! 莊祖萱同學:

I still acknowledge you. You, 572339 鍾麗婷, 572340 程競生, ... belong to 駐外人員子弟, not 僑生! 大一時, 程競生 told me 駐外人員子弟 got 10% (or 25%) 加分 at the College Entrance Exam ... ^_^

Do you remember our 5723 class Spring Tour to 士林芝山岩 in 1969 (just before you transferred to 圖館)? During that Spring tour, some 5723 classmates visited your house. And you served us with Coffee and Cakes ... I still have image in my memory ~ there are lots of 稻田 in front of your house. Right?
572343"馬來" 在大一普化實驗室的實驗桌 should locate between you(572342) and 龐憶華(572344). You and 憶華兄 may remember 572343"馬來"'s real name. Please 擠出 "馬來"'s name from your memory. OK?

Monkey 572305 曾經作過"馬來"的槍手, 在大一暑假 幫"馬來"補考普通化學 (差點被研究生學長抓去見教授). Monkey should be one of "馬來"'s best friends in 5723 and he definitely remember 572343"馬來"'s real name... Hi! Monkey! Why you're so quiet (just like '臭'乳豬 572318)? No email comes to here?? We need "馬來"'s  name!!!
小龜 572302
2013, 09, 12

I don’t see your Chinese name on above list, how will I recognize you?
You- Little Turtle? Cute Nick Name. Can you tell me which one were you on that picture? And anything more in your memories? I am really curious what was my image in other people’s memories?
Thank you for reminding me where did we take that picture from- I do not remember the thing you said below at all- I was so excited you told me I served you guys Coffee & Cake. Maybe I was the one suggested to go to the little park “Chi Shan Park” behind my house.
It was behind Yang Ming Hospital and been torn down and rebuild to a 10-11 floors building. My brother-in-law still living there and I love to visit Taiwan at least once a year or every two years. The Rice Field is covered by the building of Yang Ming Hospital now.
Hope you or other people can give me some memories about my past.  As I said, 572340 – Cheng Jin Shen knew my family through his mom and always asked me about diplomats’ kid’s special college entrance credit %, I was transferred from UP, not even through entrance exam, I always admired everyone of our classmates- everyone were excellent student from their background, it was a shame I was not really like to transferred into Chem Dept. because I really can not compete with everyone for the excellent background....
Love you all!
Best Regards,
Tsuhsuan  (Virginia Ku)
2013, 09, 13

I really appreciate your effort and it did work.
I received respond from Little Turtle, and just found out where we took that picture from, it was from the park behind my old house, I can not recall- maybe it was my suggestion to go there, because Little Turtle said they went to my house and I served them cake and coffee!
I was really excited about that respond from Little Turtle- who’s he? I need to find his face on that picture, too. Pls tell me what is his name?
I lived in Lomita for over 28 years, and love this little quiet town, my yougest daughter married last year also bough a new built house in Lomita.
I really like to know where did you live and come to see me when you visit L.A.- you may stay in my house, too.
Best Regards,
Tsuhsuan Chuang (Virginia Ku)
2013, 09, 13


572305Monkey 也和 572303王碧 一樣"貴人多忘事" 得了健忘症

小龜、雷時勁打從畢業就沒有碰過面,雷時勁還像當年的帥哥,小龜像 ... ???

嘿! 王碧!!

真是要敲妳的豬腦袋...  572302小龜 和 妳 在1977之後(也是畢業5年後), 至少見面五次以上.
1977 小龜從美國返台, 就到衛生署拜訪妳, 當時妳在衛生署 任職"專員".
1978 572301大豬從美國返台, 妳和妳老公5523xx牟中原(當時他任"台大化學系主任"), 在自己家中宴請大豬. 小龜是陪客之一, 小龜帶了妳的家教學生莊家蘭(也是我的乾妹妹~清華數學系畢業)去赴宴, 原想將我的乾妹介紹給大豬. 呵呵 可惜倆人不來電, 不然大豬是小龜的乾妹夫 ^_^
1979 年底, 572332阿輝在敦化北路自己的豪宅宴請小龜, 是因為要歡送小龜去沙烏地阿拉伯(小龜在那鳥不生蛋的地方為國效力三年1980~1982). 王碧和老公牟中原, 有參加此歡送宴會. 還有如下陪客: 572313劉陵崗 572331施顏祥 ...
 1981 年初 小龜從沙烏地返台休假, 順便渡蜜月. 我與新婚老婆和妳見面兩次, 一次我請客(很多5723都到了), 另一次在衛生署 ... 我老婆說 她記得妳, 妳鐵定不記得我老婆.

嘿! 阿輝、陵崗、顏祥: 請你們出來作證, 王碧怎麼可以說, 從畢業後就沒有'碰'過小龜面 ... V_V

嘿! Monkey:

 你老兄不記得作"572343馬來"的槍手? 那天普化補考, 是在新化館前棟三樓左側教室, 我小龜在教室外不遠處, 幫忙把風. 以防那剛回國的教授'丁陳漢遜', 從新化館後棟一樓 他的實驗室來巡視, 我可及時通知你溜走, "馬來"再進教室補考. 唉! 你這個猴頭不記得? 也罷 ...
 提到丁陳教授, 記得乎? 第一天普化課, 他在黑板上寫了六個斗大的數字 4 6 2 3 0 1(以表示他是11年前 建中保送化學系的學長)
丁陳教授的老婆 甘桂翹(台大數學系畢業?) 在我們大二時, 甘桂翹教理論力學(必修課), 我們與大三數學系、大二物理系一起上理論力學. 哇哇! 苦不堪言!! 考完理論力學, 我們化學系幾乎全部墊底(考不過大三數學系和大二物理系). 大二寒假, 我們有18位5723同學要補考理論力學, (其中還不少甘桂翹所屬查經班的同修... Right? 572316大寶??)
 小龜考微積分, 演譯答案是從後反往前寫. 小龜和大豬同一組上普通物理實驗, 小龜負責實驗數據, 也是從後反往前算. 第一次物理實驗, 就被助教(物理系大四學長)抓包, 他說這實驗數據怎麼可能100%準???
嘻嘻! 572329夏宇明打完麻將的名言 "唉! 交友不慎!!" (如果他輸牌的話) 假如他贏牌 ~ 我從未聽到夏宇明 抱怨交友不慎... ^_^ Monkey, 乳豬, 572323王義忠 可以 作證
嘿! 宇明兄:
你作過我表弟的家教老師, 我表嬸相當懷念你. 這幾十年來, 她見到我總是會問 夏宇明近況如何? (They live at Atlanta, Geogia now! 我表叔喬無遏將軍7月辭世)

喬無遏戰功彪炳一生忠勇為國 - 國防部軍事新聞網
飛虎將軍喬無遏過世總統頒授旌忠狀- 中時電子報

胡笙老友94歲喬無遏「空軍活歷史」 - INTERUSH台灣入口網站- News ...


572302 Ricky Chen 陳勳琦 (aka 小龜)
2013, 09, 13


我是劉紀禮, 記得吧?不需要學號吧?

你真的記不起小亀, 陳勳琦? Mmm.. you may have hurted his feeling. 他有一次帶我們到陽明山看雪。

我跟王碧都沒有忘記你, 去年我回台灣, 王碧帶我逛校園, 尋舊夢, 我們就提起你。 我相部中有你老二照的畢業照,sophisicated!美麗!

我也記得那次到你家,吃點心, 不記得有咖啡!

什麼時侯會上來SF bay area?一定要通知。

鍾麗婷你現在那, 你當年住女五, 你也講廣東話。 你好像當年太想家所以不到一年就回毛理球斯?

還想蘇懷仁當年果真義氣爆棚, 原來小亀記憶有點漠糊糊?

2013, 09, 13


嗨!my fair lady! 還記得你慢條斯里走路的模樣,也記得你聊起菲律賓治安很不好的異國情景,還有那圓圓的臉,都是好印象呢!


2013, 09, 13


1976 年在芝加哥大學畢業後,我就回到馬來西亞工作,一直都在馬來亞大學生物化學系執教。幾年前正式退休但繼續以合約方式在原系執教,大概要多工作三年後就真的退休啦。




除了教學和一點研究工作外,還寫了幾本關于信仰的書,由本地的出版社出版。書名是:鐵樹開花(以色列複國與聖經的應許),不堪回首伊斯旦布爾, 凡有耳的,就應當聽 (啓示錄七教會與拔摩島遊記)。有興趣的,可以來函索取。

2013, 09, 13

Thank you for still remember me.
I figured out who’s Little Turtle yesterday and remember his handsome face in old days. Why he has nick name “Little 
Turtle”. I still remember 572305 Su, he was kind of handsome and different to others. I remember 572315 Li invited me to a trip to Tainan & Kaohsiung, I wonder where is Li now?
Keilai, I remember your Cantonese accent Mandarin and smart face. 572339 Chung –when she told me she was from Mauritius,
I was wondering will Chinese lived that far? That was the first time I heard anyone from there. Where is she now? Wang Bi
was typically pretty and smart girl from First Girls’ High School and always with mysterious smile and spoke tenderly.
I still remember a naughty boy-maybe 572309 Chou, play with chemicals in the LAB and made a yellow yacky smoke when mixed two chemicals that professor just said it will explode if you mix them together...he did it right after professor left the LAB...
What a funny old days!
Best Regards,
Tsuhsuan (Virginia Ku)
2013, 09, 14

Wang Bi:
Turn to the picture Ricky sent to us with another page of graduation pictures....( I was not in it, of course.)
I will re-send that attached picture, look for yourself. I was so touched with the picture received that I was on the very left one, you are the next to me! That’s the prove you went to my home. I did not remember Kei Lai went, too. She just confirmed she ate Cake and forgot about coffee..I wonder that will not clog? Ricky even remember the coffee, that was the coffee from Phillines..
I believe.. Don’t worry about your memories...when I saw the picture..I said to myself, did I ever went out with them?
Where is the picture taken from? Trees behind us..where is this place. (When Ricky said it was a field trip to the park behind our house before I transferred...which was surprisingly that I forgot completely about that was me?!...)
When you asked why I did not invite you? Just like I saw another EM said you already met Ricky several times and you did not recall....Ha! Think harder...we all getting old. 
Love You All for Still Remember me after 41 years!
2013, 09, 14



咖啡嗎, 一定是當年慢了半拍, 給他們男生先喝光啦!

2013, 09, 14

Hi, 小龜


提到丁陳教授, 我記得當年他要我們全班翻譯一些化學書,每人翻幾頁。以當時我的英文程度,若是有人買我們翻譯出來的書,他真是浪費錢。

你提到大二時甘桂翹教的理論力學,使我想起大二時“老溫”教的德文課。經常上課很久以后,還是有人一個個陸續提著有機化學器材箱(之後就是有機化學實驗課)進來。有次他忍不住說,“你們遲到就不如不來上課。” 那進來的人(忘了是誰)就走了出去,把老師氣得不上課了,說要去報告院長。



572329 夏宇明
2013, 09, 14



2013, 09, 15

Hi, 義忠 and all;

(from 俞俊修)

I cannot understand anything you wrote.  You are right that the input of Chinese characters is not easy.  I would only use it when I write a short message using a touchpad device.

I have been to several places in Japan many times. I think knowing the Chinese characters in Japanese would help a lot. It took me a while to be really sure about what "無料“ means.  It means free of charge which is often expressed differently when you see it in English.  I can understand knowing English alone would not be sufficient.  We just got back from a trip of Vienna-Prague-Berlin trip.  I am familiar with the German words but it will take me a week to start to catch the announcement of the names of the metro stop.

After graduation, we have received very few visits from classmates and even fewer would stay at my place.  We lived in a suburb of Boston for the past 20 years. It so happened that we had two visitors stayed in my home in the same week over ten years ago.  In my absence, my wife hosted 王義忠 and her classmate (a professor from Taiwan, NTU 57xxxx).  I was told that they (the two guests) have a heated debate about politics or something in my home.


You made a lot of noises.  I am surprised that 周魯have not spoken yet.  It is long overdue that I will say this for him "吵死人了“。Let it be known that all of you do not doubt the memory of 小龜.  I have more faith in your recollection of the event than that of 夏宇明。  You told me the names of all four lieutenants when we were in the same company in the training camp in ancient time.

小龜 has a photographic memory and can tell you the details that can be best described as “如數家珍”。 What I did not know is the side of having tea/coffee party with girls.  It seemed to me that they are playing “辬家家酒” which we boys would never do。 I am positive that is the feeling for all the boys in the class.  I need some moral support of you guys out there.  周魯 and 蘇懷仁, it is time for you to break the silence.

It took me a while to find the word "家" which is buried in the fifth pages (9 words each) of the words.  I was tempted to use the first world "傢" but did not use it.  Again, 周魯 and 蘇懷仁, it is time to break the silence.

2013, 09, 15

談起丁陳教授,我記得也參與一份翻譯 Hilter 的量子化學(?)的工作,總之亂譯一場,就不知下場如何?你們誰有丁陳教授的消息?聽說他曾在加州 Berkeley,因該接近八十高齡了吧?還有教我們理論力學的丁桂翹,到了今天,想起這門課,還是余悖猶存。。 也不知道怎樣混過這麽課,在台大上課的日子記得不多,但是那天考理論力學時絞盡腦汁卻解不了題的情形,至今印象猶存。。 你們有丁教授的消息嗎?

2013, 09, 15

572334 業宏兄 wrote

... 到了今天,想起这门课,还是余悖犹存。。 也不知道怎样混过这么课,.......... 那天考理论力学时绞尽脑汁却解不了题的情形,至今印象犹存。...
Ha! Ha! 那一題無解! Give you "多元N次"題目, but 少了一equation, 如何求得正確答案...  甘桂翹  教授 出無解題 在戲弄我們!!

For simple example: Try to solve X,Y,Z unknown value, but only 2 equations given, can you get the exact value of X,Y,Z?
小龜 從後反往前演譯此題? 再從前往後運算此題?? 最後從中往兩邊胡解此題??? 我不記得在試卷上寫些什麼答案????

考完後 問了物理系高手 ... Ouch! 才知那是無解題 ..... V_V


572302 Ricky Chen 陳勳琦 (aka 小龜)
2013, 09, 16

2013, 09, 16

The attached Photo has the following 5723 classmates + 1 non-5723 classmate (probably 地質系同學)
From Right to Left:
572343"馬來", 572329夏宇明, 572323王義忠, 572330王克希, 572319洪錫錙, 572322江炯聰, 572311郭正崇, 572334陳業宏, 5724xx地質系同學? 572333黃泰然, 572325郭國男, 572320金楓邨, 572340程競生, 572316楊保華, 572315李榮利, 572303王碧, 572342莊祖萱

I believe this photo was taken by 572313劉陵崗 on Nov. 12, 1968 (國父孫中山先生誕辰紀念日) at 新竹清華大學校園~通往成功湖湖心亭的小橋~克恭橋橋上)
I remember 陵崗兄 mentioned that to me before, when he edited 1972NTU畢業紀念冊 ~ he added this photo into 畢業紀念冊. Right? 陵崗兄??

If this photo's date/place is wrong? Please knock 陵崗兄's PIG Head (Not My Turtle Head). ^_^ ^_^

Note: I know why 572301大豬, 572302小龜, 572305Monkey, 572314阿方, and 572332阿輝 didn't attend 新竹清華大學校園 trip. They attended a dancing party at night of 11/11/1968 and couldn't wake up early in the morning on 11/12/1968 to participate in this trip ...

572341劉紀禮 談到 陽明山看雪 ~ 那是大一上期末考最後一天(Feb. 1969), 七星山山上飄雪, 我們一些同學約好搭乘公路局車上山. 去的同學不多, 有阿方, 沒有王碧, and 莊祖萱. 下山時, 小龜 called 他老爸的司機, 接我們下山 ...

士林芝山岩 trip happened on March 29, 1969 (青年節).

 5723女同學 參與的有阿方, 莊祖萱, and 劉紀禮. 沒有王碧.
Hi! 王碧: You don't need to complain 祖萱:嗨!my fair lady! ... 可是你怎麼沒請我去你家呢? 王碧  ??? from Little Turtle ^_^
Hi! 祖萱:You don't need to explain Wang Bi: ... I was so touched with the picture received that I was on the very left one, you are the next to me! That’s the prove you went to my home. I did not remember Kei Lai went, too. ........    ??? from Little Turtle ^_^
 Hi! 紀禮:Your memory is pretty good. You didn't get 健忘症. However, I found most of our 5723 classmates got "貴人多忘事" !!!

Anyway, I wish every 5723 classmate won't get "老年痴呆" in the near future .... ^_^ ^_^

魚頭(572307俞俊修) surprised that 572318周魯("臭"乳豬) have not spoken yet. I wondered "臭"乳豬 already have "老年痴呆" and can't reply our emails. Hopefully, my guess is not correct! 4 years ago, "臭"乳豬 met with me at Milpitas, Calif. 2 years ago, we still have phone chatting, when he's at LA area.

From 572302小龜

PS. 祖萱:
You graduated from "私立雨聲小學".  這是情報局子弟小學, 校長是情報局少將姜毅英擔任. (雨聲小學 and 雨農國小 都是 紀念 戴笠~字雨農 而成立)
I have 2 middle-school classmates also graduated from "私立雨聲小學". You definitely know them. Hopefully, you may have their contact info.
 Please pass their info to me. We belong to 1965萬華中學第五屆實驗一班. We will have 1965萬中第五屆實驗一班 re-union party soon.
My 2 middle-school classmates are
鍾虹宇(his height ~ 180 cm, lived at 士林忠勇新村33號 in 1965) and 朱傑文 (his height ~ 160 cm, lived at 士林忠勇新村90號 in 1965)

572309周大新是1964萬華中學第四屆實驗二班畢業 and 572321尤崇堅是1964萬華中學第四屆實驗三班畢業 They may not know 1965萬中第五屆實驗一班 classmates' info.

Thanks for bring all the memories back to our Good Old Days. How come you have such a wonderful memories about the past and I am sure you will never get “Alzheimer= Dementia”....
You were not on the picture, where were you during the trip? Now I paste the names under the picture, looking at them daily I will try to find the two lost “Yu Shen” students.
Where are you now? US or Taiwan?
How about Wang Bi?

2013, 09, 17

Ricky and all,

I think there is another possibility that 魯豬 maintained silence for so long.  I had a chat with him years after we had a reunion in Northern California when 方采玲 (looked like 阿方 but behaved like a different person of college years) organized the event. On the phone, 周魯 told me he was having a good time traveling to various places in Southeast Asia.  He had worked for every battery company and think that working hinders his freedom and reduces his lifespan.  A few years after that, 李光輝 told me that he (周魯) went to China working for (and owning) some venture company of Lithium battery or something.  周魯would often say "Mr. so and so 附匪去了“  Saying so (jokingly) in the past and going to China himself later may be the reason for him to keep silence.

We have traveled to many places in Europe due to proximity to Europe from East Coast of US and partly due to my previous jobs.  We probably will move to Northern California in a few years since our daughter's family is there now. We will visit them about twice a year including this Thanksgiving.  We will probably change our travel destination to Asia after the move.  Right now, Europe is closer and on sale.  We stayed in the four star hotels in Vienna, Prague, and Berlin for well under $100 a day which may include full breakfast. No wonder the smart money of Lee (in Hongkong) is pouring into Europe.  On the other hand, a lot of the hot (a good part of them are dumb) money is pouring into the west coast (including Vancouver) of Canada/ America  that hinder my plan of buying a piece of property in the vicinity of silicon valley.  Fortunately, we only need to live close by.

2013, 09, 17

Regarding Professor DingChen & Professor Gan, I knew both of them and I was lucky runaway from Dept of Chem at 2nd year. They married – two weird scholars. I can not imagine he looks so old now...We all are...
I have three elder brothers all were graduated from NTU:
Oldest one- Tsuping Chuang- Dept of Electrical Engeneering (He is a successful businessman in this field)
2nd Older Brother- Tsuyi Chuang- Medical School- Dermatologist (He is a skin doctor and still practicing in US)
3rd Elder Brother-Tsukung Chuang- Chemical Engineering (He got 2 Phd, now he is serving in  Christian Missionary , and living in Boston, travelling across countries, he just went to Malaysia not too long ago to teach in the Chinese Christian Semainary.)
3rd Elder brother were very close to both professors during our school years in Christian Campus Fellowship. I will ask Tsukung about them, Ha! I shall forward everyone’s memories about them to my brother. They both look weird to me in old days....I always walk away from them....
P.S. He shall not be 80s, his ID# is 11 yrs earlier than us!
2013, 09, 17

謝謝勳琦兄的文筆,他述說了很多妙趣橫生的經歷,非常吸引人。在此讓我補上一件有關王碧的故事,那是國父思想的課,在普通教室二樓的大教室,剛上課,宋嘉賢老師便在點名,當他喊到王碧的名字時,忽有一個男聲大聲應道--- "有",只可不知道他是誰?
2013, 09, 17

能在cyberspace 看到大家踴躍的討論年青時的妙事, 實在很享受. 隨信寄上今天早上在太浩湖( Lake Tahoe) 的照片,讓大家重溫1997年林溫裕和我(現在才知道我被尊稱為阿方)合辦的reunion!

方釆玲 572314,四個grand kids 的 Ahmah
2013, 09, 18


1970 女師附小←上一篇 │首頁│ 下一篇→1962 鐵路附小