Blog Entry: 四年級部落格 ID: 643607


1973 台大化學系


Dear 1973泛化學系學長姊,

昨天為了讓大家分享1972泛化學系9月同學會帶動了多位許久沒露臉同學加入交流的盛況,花了好幾個小時將拖延沒整理的記錄放到四年級部落格,將近午夜才離開辦公室。(感謝因為大家的督促,to-do list又少了一項工作)




這是今年6月15日台大畢業30重聚盛況。10年才一次,說老實話,我沒把握畢業50年是否有人願意再出來主辦。 大家永遠也不知道下一次會有誰能參加。




是否可以請化學系學長姊先利用台大綜合體育館這個場地以及籌畫一年的全校活動聚會,從中午就開始自己班的聚餐,然後join全校活動(目前下午有校園導覽,5點茶敘,6點晚宴,拍系合照,社團合照,9點結束),late night化學系可以繼續第二攤。



我在網站上看到王銘玉學姊的信箱,加入mailing list,希望還是有效的。


582303 江敏煌  請試順舜起重工程有限公司台北縣三重市中央北路27巷5號2樓
582304 宋嗣立  已發函詢問宋嗣祥,我的復興初中同學,我們那一年甲組狀元,我特別查了初中紀念冊,籍貫和地址都與宋學長相同。
582317 蕭世麟 
582321 陳祥村  請試寬亮公司陳祥村、城鑠企業有限公司總經理
582322 曹水旺  惠旭化學有限公司職稱負責人
582334 陳妙桂  剛剛已經拿到學姊信箱,見mailing list。請學姊惠賜至少一個私人電話號碼及居住城市。
582335 黃汀蘭 
582336 陳佩玲 
582337 黃錦勝 
582338 何永達 
582339 張若媚 
582340 周鴻釗  請試永樂國際貿易有限公司
582341 梁漢榮 
582342 王守英 
582344 林偉福 
582345 王世平 
582346 黃瑞梅 
582347 蔡俊秀 
552336 黃寬誠  請試時運昌企業有限公司?
562333 葉鴻溥
562337 陳 平
562340 林琴芳
562341 張維華
572324 李啟智  台灣高雄。我會寫信協尋。
572338 蘇基雄
572340 程競生  安徽績溪。我會寫信協尋。

林莉 (AKA 02)



Dear Old Classmates,
I hope to see many of you in Taipei the evening of Nov. 15!  Before the reunion, I thought it might be fun to go back in time to remember how we used to be like while in college.  Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately), I still have pictures taken during those days, spanning from our freshman year (1969) to two years post-graduation (1975).  I have scanned all of them, and here there are!  For those of you whom I haven't seen for almost 40 years, I still remember you as the images in these pictures.
Looking forward to seeing you in Taipei,
Teh-hui Kao
2013, 11, 10

Dear The-hui:
How precious are these pictures!!! Many thanks.
 Have a smooth flight and look forward to seeing you at this coming Friday's reunion dinner!
Chang Yi 王長怡
2013, 11, 10

These are precious and wonderful pictures!  Thanks a lot!
Safe travel and see you soon.
Chen-yu 嚴震宇
2013, 11, 10

Dear Teh Hui,

Thanks for the photos.  I missed in many of them, for I was the photographer, I guess.
We had a dinner party for the 85th department birthday yesterday.  Chen Yu joined us.
I use FB and line.  See you soon.

JT 陳竹亭
2013, 11, 10

Dear Jwu-Ting, Chen-yu, Chang Yi and Classmates,

These old pictures are indeed very precious, and I am glad that the quality of the scanned images is not bad.  I have to thank my parents for carefully preserving all my old pictures.  When they emigrated to Canada in 1977, they brought with, or shipped, almost all my "junk/treasures", that were left behind when I came to the States in 1975, to their new home in Edmonton.  Over the years, I have been retrieving them little by little every time I visit them, and this is the first time that I am sharing these distant/fond memories of college days with anyone outside my family.

Yes, Jwu-Ting, I remember that you were the photographer of the color pictures taken near the time of commencement.  I don't remember who took (or whose camera took) the black-and-white pictures of our class trip to 溪頭 and 日月潭.  Was it Chauchyun?  I will bring the prints of all the pictures to the reunion, and hopefully collectively we can figure out where all of them were taken.  I just want to point out that the top picture in the pdf picture file (No. 15) was taken on August 3, 1977 at 城中餐廳.  At that time, we "boys" were either about to finish, or had just finished, our mandatory military service, but you "girls" had already been in graduate school in the US for two years.  Some of "you" came back during the summer break, and "we" thought it would be good to get together and hear your experiences about your graduate study.  That is as much as I can remember.

I am sending you a jpg file of two more pictures I found from another treasure box just this morning.  In one of them, 素蓮 is looking straight at the camera, instead of chatting with the person (who was that?) standing next to her in a similar picture I sent you yesterday (No. 14).  Also, this "new" picture did not catch whoever's "two fingers" (of course, not mine) in the previous picture.  I didn't know that this trick has been around for so long!

I will catch up with all of you who will be able to attend this very special event soon.  For those of you, like me, who will travel from abroad for this special occasion, have a safe, smooth, and pleasant trip.  (I will be leaving for the trip this Tuesday afternoon and arrive in Taipei the night of Nov. 14.)

2013, 11, 10




都是85th 讓我看花了眼,原來有個化學系85周年慶,也有一個101的85樓。


1973 台大化學系
本文在新浪的網址  (照片在主文末)





15:00~16:30 校園巡禮 (志工導覽)
16:30~17:00 散步到台大綜合體育館參加茶會及晚宴
17:00~18:00 校友報到與歡迎茶會、台大社團表演、主持人開場、總召率領全體籌備小組人員上台致意
18:00~18:30 總召致詞、校長致詞、貴賓介紹與致詞
19:00~19:20 早期校友時間
19:20~19:30 台大社團表演
19:30~20:50 各系合照
20:50~21:00 傳承1974
21:00~ 今宵多珍重、期待再相聚

詳全文 1973 NTU-四年級部落格-新浪部落


明天的大會手冊是以當年四組榜單為封面封底(封面照片,裏面有各系照片及出席名單,如果沒有參加想要留做紀念,一本酌收100元工本費。另外政治系周小寧學長做了畢業紀念冊的光碟要送大家,周學長和陳竹亭學長很熟,應該可以要幾份給明天出席化學系的同學。如果有學長姊想要前述兩件紀念品,請告訴我人數,明天我收集好,看誰可以stop by,這樣就可以帶去晚宴發給同學,如果高學長可以stop by 先和視聽社的周露華學姊、王素蘭學姊拍張社團照,更好,這樣好歹我們視聽社也有了露臉的機會。



2013, 11, 14

Dear 林莉 
Although I am not sure we know each other, I truly appreciate whatever you have done to us.  I even missed to meet Thomas Chou who considerately brought the DVDs of our graduation book to my office today, I was still on the THSR then.  All my own record of youth in my parents place had been down to the flooding when I was in the States.  Thanks to Thomas.
Tehui has arrived Taipei this evening and will be in the class reunion.  Mingfu will fly in tomorrow morning.  There certainly may be more surprises, who knows.

I apologize again for my lousy job as a coordinator for the university reunion.  I will have duty in the NSC tomorrow afternoon till after 18:00.  I will get to 101 directly right after my duty done.  I will try to send you the photos, assuming we will get some.
Best wish to the reunions anywhere,
JT 陳竹亭
2013, 11, 14

Dear林莉, Chen Yen and Classmates,

Greetings from Los Angeles, California!

Thank you so much for your invitation to the reunion. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend but my thoughts will be with you. If you are in Los Angeles, please contact me so that we can meet together and catch up with news over the years.

During the university years, I was so happy to attend the school with you. Your achievements are deeply admired by me. In the end of 2004, I was able to travel to Atlanta Georgia and accidentally came across with Mingfu (徐明富) at a Chinese Church. We enjoyed some great fellowship and enjoyed time to catch up with one another.

I remember once time I went back to Hong Kong for Summer vacation and helped Yuan-Pern (李遠鵬) bought a flute. He gave me a nice Manhattan shirt later. Thank you again Yuan-Pern!

I am sending along some photographs from our college years.  I hope that you enjoy them and that they bring back fond memories of our past as they have with me.

I wish you all a wonderful time of reunion there in Taiwan!


周鴻釗 (582340) 
2013, 11, 14

To be continued....

1979 台大商學系(7)←上一篇 │首頁│ 下一篇→1976 台大化工系(2)