Blog Entry: 四年級部落格 ID: 646753


1964 國語實小


1964 國語實小聯絡狀況
1964 國語實小通訊錄

1964 國語實小

From right to left -
許自立 - A retired medical doctor
劉又青 - Deceased
王以鈞 - A retired researcher from AT&T Bell Labs
The threesome graduated from 國語實小-六忠, Class of 1964
They also are 建中猛將s, Class of 1970
許自立 & 王以鈞 accidentally ran into each @ a local Costco store in New Jersey after more than 45 years' departure.
The reunion photo was taken on Princeton campus in 2011.
We plan to organize a class reunion for 國語實小-六忠, Class of 1964, in December of 2020 in Taipei when 建中 & 北一女 of class 1970 will celebrate their 50th anniversary.

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