Dear alumna,
Attached please find the directory updated as of the end of 2/4/06 (pacific time).
- Based on emails, day classes (日間部) contact rate has advanced from 32.08% to 38.67% in one and half weeks.
- Night classes (夜間部) and BuXiao (補校) name lists are finally established. Let’s give them the best support we can to bring them up to speed.
- Again, please observe our Security and Privacy Policy.
1. Restrict the usage of the database to private connection purpose only.
2. Committee members and all contacts (area and class) can have complete database file.
3. Only distribute this partial database file (name/class/email address only) to the rest of the alumnae.
We need your help.
- Please verify your own data.
- Please spread the words for us.
1. 9/1-9/3 (Fri, Sat, Sun) in Hyatt Regency Orange County, Southern California
2. Detailed information will be available by the beginning of March. Registration will start by then.
- Please submit to us ALL 1976 alumnae name/contact info that you know.
Thank you.
Isabel Lin (楊汝皓, 良)
Contact Group
TFGH 1976 30-Year Reunion Committee
一、 主旨:三十周年籌備會第一次會議
二、 時間:2005/12/22 15:00
三、 與會人員:林莉學姊、雷倩、吳維君、宋慧玲、陳奕秋、王慧芝、潘桂芳、陳瑞華、張明玉、江景蟾、
四、 會議內容:
1. 林莉學姊報告上屆聯絡之心得
2. 會議決議事項
a. 原則上仍與建中合辦,但須找到建中願意主辦的人
b. 盡量邀請夜間部同學的參予,由雷倩負責校友會及校方聯繫取得
c. 台北的校友會開會時間為12/9 or 12/10,聚會方式則以中午聚餐or 晚上宴會方式兩者責一,並歡迎攜伴,兩人同行5000元
d. 各班聯絡方式匯集以目前潘桂芳之名單為主,各班可以有兩位聯絡人,目前孝班尚無聯絡人,請陳奕秋協助尋找
e. 目前籌備會之人員分工暫定於下
g. 下回會議時間─2006/2/19 15:00, 地點─國賓飯店對面伯朗咖啡