Blog Entry: 四年級部落格 ID: 8726




感謝1011、respectfully yours、木頭通力合作,替南極星中文輸入軟體“加持灌頂”,使其常用語詞更符合我們日常使用。對於鍵盤上沒有注音,習慣拼音輸入中文的朋友,南極星中文輸入軟體真的很好用。 正如1056所說,一旦成語儲進南極星後,只要打進那四個字的頭一個音﹔譬如說﹕將心比心 jiang xin bi xin, 只要打jxbx ,將心比心就出來了。至於我們下一代必學的拼音中打,請download 1011的秘笈“中文打字 -- 簡單易學,兼學漢語拼音”,非常實用。~ 02


Save these phrases in a Big5 text file.

In NJStar, to save a file into big5 text, you do "save as" and under the file name, it asks you for save as file type, choose "encoded text", then a window will pop up for you to choose the encoding, you choose "Chinese Tradition Big-5", then the file is saved as Big-5 text file.

木頭 wrote a program, went to a web site and dug out 13,000 成語 and combined them with those from 1011 into a file.

respectfully yours listed the steps of importing new phrases into NJStar dictionary.
1. Input -> Dictionary Manager...
2. Check 'From File'
3. Click 'Add'
4. Select the Big5 text file you just saved

The user added phrases are stored in the following file:

for NJStar Version 4.0-5.02:
C:Program FilesNJStar Chinese WPnewwords.b5

for NJStar Version 5.03 or above:
C:Documents and Settings[your-user-name]Application DataNJStarNJStar Chinese WPnewwords.b5

Therefore, you can delete the original .b5 file used when importing. Keep, backup, or distribute this newwords.b5 as it can be imported back into NJStar (for upgrades or new installations).

Here is the fine manual for you to read:


喔﹕ “e”
吭﹕ “hang”﹐ 這也是破音字﹐不“吭”聲﹐唸‘坑’﹐但用‘keng’﹐就找不到。

02註: 一旦灌入木頭的13000個片語﹐以後只要碰到找不到的詞彙﹐逐字type出來後﹐可以Highlight那個詞-->Input-->Dictionary Manager-->Add-->Close﹐下次就有現成的可以用了。

"Anyone knows what to do with the file you created for Chinese setup in Windows?" - 749

You'd need to install "Chinese (Traditional) - New Phonetic" in order to use
user imported or defined phrases. You may already have it on your computer.

1. Download "Microsoft New Phonetic IME 2003" from Microsoft:
(or search downloads with "New Phonetic IME")

2. Download the unicode version of 木兄成語:

3. Add Text Service "Chinese (Traditional) - New Phonetic" (for Windows XP):
Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Languages -> Details...
Settings -> Add...
Input language: select Chinese (Taiwan)
Keyboard layout/IME: select Chinese (Traditional) - New Phonetic
OK and exit
(somewhere there is a reboot required, probably here)

4. Configure and Import user phrases
Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Languages -> Details...
Settings -> select "Chinese (Traditional) - New Phonetic" -> Properties...
General -> Input method: select Intelligent mode

Dictionary -> User phrase editor...
"Microsoft New Phonetic IME User Define Phrase Tool" will launch
File -> Import
select "phrase_uni.txt"
(a status line on the bottom will display the progress of import)
File -> Exit
OK and exit

5. Done.

This "intelligent mode" is totally new for me - I tried a few imported
phrases and it worked for me. Don't know if I like it as I am still using
the "legacy mode".

respectfully yours 在 新浪部落 於 2006/06/06 03:16 PM 回應 

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