The first reunion picture was taken at a Chinese restaurant "Ma Ma Wok" in Rockville, a Washington suburban city. We only have 5 people attended, and all of us have never known or met each other before. But we felt like we were old friends just lost contact with each other for years.
The dinner started around 6:00 pm and didn't end until 9:30 pm. (Restaurant close at 9:00 pm.) We all had fun by talking or teasing each other.
This is a small world and thanks for周裘琛's business trip to DC. We DC area girls finally got together and met each others again on 04/05/06, the day before Joanne(周裘琛) left. And this time was at my house because we didn't want our time to be limited by restaurant's business hours. Our attendance list has increased from 5 to 7. Thanks all for coming to my house and brought so much food. And thanks Li Ho for organizing this party.
The gathering was fun, juicy, 八卦, 巴婆 but yet very warm, cozy, touching and exciting....too much to mention!
It proves that we are still young, energetic.
Third gathering was on 05/20/06 at Wong Shih Chun's (王時君) house - very close to me house. This time we had 10 people joined us, and two from Virginia. After that day, we decided to meet every other month. The subject will switch from gossip to very creative or healthy one - jogging. And the scheduled date is 07/29/06 Sat. But this may change to 07/16 for 02’s visit to Washington DC area.
Florence(桂 馥)
毛素殽(誠), 歐琇月(信)、高慧芳(禮)、李立禾(禮)、王時君(禮), 詹萃瑜 (平) , 桂馥(孝), 衛麗霞 (公), 程 怡 (御), 林菁菁 (勤)
So. Cal committee reunion picture
06/11/06 at Pacific Palm CIMA restaurant
書書 在 新浪部落 於 2010/10/28 08:18 PM 回應
1504 在 新浪部落 於 2010/09/21 12:47 AM 回應
EN101.US 在 新浪部落 於 2006/07/05 08:59 PM 回應
多謝 Mark 的介紹, 政治其實也就是一齣複雜牽連廣一點的舞台劇, 上面的人物也都在做秀, 那個演的好, 換來的掌聲多, 或賺人眼淚多的 ... 在民智尚未到一定水準的地方, 便會撈進一堆的選票與同情. 其實, 演戲的人臉變的可快了, 他前面一副悲淒老實, 一翻臉, 那真可以是吞人血不眨眼的, 那麼多的漂亮美人, 佳人在台上會說會演, 難怪政治秀好看, 好過牛肉場... 聽說瞿X鳳當年是最倩的立委... 裙下不知道拜倒多少的老少男人! 有她的一套!
雷根總統一直讓人懷念, 美國人都公認他總統"演的"很好! 他會用人, 有為有守, 沒有踐越他的職責. 對他的評價很高! 還是寄予高度的期望與敬意給我們年輕的女性民代們, 路有點長也不好走, 要堅持, 有所為有所不為, 希望明天會更好!
Mark, 您的事還一直擺在~* 的心上喔! 忙歸忙, 不要忘了還有好多人在等喔!
~* 在 新浪部落 於 2006/06/27 09:29 PM 回應
Mark 在 新浪部落 於 2006/06/27 04:20 PM 回應