本文在新浪的網址 http://blog.sina.com.tw/grade4/article.php?pbgid=15096&entryid=582584
日期 2008/7/24 7:57
主旨 Looking for an old classmate
Hello 林二:
IASZ really haven't been involved in any of the reunion activities, but have been reading the correspondence on the sideline witAh intense interest.
There is a classmate of mine in 6th grade, 汪小芬 (女師附小). She is also 1973 北一女書班, 之後政大. I saw her attended some 北一女reunion activities last few years. Do you have her contact information?
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 10:39:33 +0800
Subject: 聯絡上女師附小同學廖文彥
日期 2008/8/6 11:40
主旨 if 王琬華老師 knows 周成玉老師
Dear Lillian,
just read your article on "finding 王琬華老師", since they both taught at 女師附小, is it possible to ask if 王琬華老師 knows 周成玉老師 ? or if they have her latest contact info ?
Dear All,
日期 2008/7/29 15:02
主旨 Re: 聯絡上女師附小同學
Hi, Stephanie,
its was a pleasant surprise to get hold of you and 廖文彥 last week.
你的北一女小學妹, 林莉 (Lillian Lin), aka O2, who devoted time and resources that helped us get in touch with each other, should be honored.
Cynthia Kao should be 高明, and Kchou ?
Do you have information about 周成玉老師 ? she was the teacher I remember and thankful the most...
Hi, 王騏, How are you, 劉鴻台 and you both are the tallest boys in the class, did not follow your whereabout after 女師附小, and glad to see that you reside in Canada. drop us a note when you have time, and let's plan for a re-union.
at Grade4's blog, there is an article regarding 女師附小, worth reading,
there are some old and new pictures, among those pictures, I find 封中堯老師 well...
warm regards
Date: 2008/7/31 11:37
Subject: Re: 回味一下
Girls (16): 龍心祥、林超、 高明(OK)、 汪小芬(OK)、高光勳、后曙竹(OK)、 林
Boys (19): 林懷安(OK)、楊松川、 劉忠傑、熊桓(OK)、廖文彥(OK)、王騏(OK)、
劉鴻台、許國光、 董適、朱海雄、湯秉中、吳兆年、鍾炳蔚、林金星、林定堅、劉
我終於找到周老師了 ,她果真如熊桓所說每天把自己排滿8am to 8pm都不在家,昨晚九點後打給她,
我跟她約定8月17日(星期日) 中午12:00 見面, 高明,施中強,熊桓,假如時間OK 的話, 地點就選在國賓飯店十二樓川菜館,有捷運和公車,應該對周老師也方便 (她想要看大家的全家福記得帶來!!).
每次看到你們彼此的對話挺爆笑的,雖然都是年過半百的老翁老嫗(電視記者報導} 回憶起童年往事又開始童心未泯, 彼此互虧! 高明我昨晚打電話給她還在高雄出差, 文彥::她不回應是有原因的,不像我盈盈美代子 沒事就守在電腦前!!
2008, 08, 08
Dear all,
我們(汪小芬, 高明, 施忠強, 熊桓) 今天中午和周老師聚餐, 大家經過24年未見, 容貌依舊, 尤其是周老師, 乍看來, 還真似五十多歲.. 大家絮舊許久, 不覺時光飛逝, 直到三點鐘才散.
這次汪小芬趁大家不注意時搶著埋單, 到底是女生細心, 還準備了小禮物送給周老師, 大家相約以後輪流做東, 下次暫定十一月一日. 我送周老師回家, 她家在內湖方濟中學附近, 一個人住, 老師說師丈已不在了, 也不好多問...
老師預定十一月十日去美國, 所以在美國的同學們應有機會與老師聚聚, 不多說, 其他的由與會同學們發表感想....
2008, 08, 17 台北國賓飯店
後排左起: 汪小芬,熊桓
前排左起: 高明, 周成玉老師, 施忠強
2008, 08, 17
2007, 08, 11 台大福泰歐薇花園餐廳,
2007, 12, 23 台大醫學院國際會議中心
1967級女師附小﹕胡孝光(1977台大化工)、熊桓(1977台大電機)、 湯宇方(1977台大電機)
2008, 08, 10 采味樓 Arcadia, CA
in case I did not tell you.
周老師的女兒鄒萱, 她在北一女念了一學期就隨父母移民去巴西, that is why you cannot find her name in your list. later she moved to San Francisco with her mom, 周老師, and graduated from UC Berkeley, with BSEE or MSEE degree. after ten years with HP, she quit from EEindustry, and studied 中醫...
Dear classmates,
廖文彥 and I had a after dinner tea with 周成玉老師, on moon festival night, WunYann was so thoughtful, he brought moon cake from BeiJing, and bought 周成玉老師 a pearl neck lace, you can see the shining neck lace from the picture.
2008, 09, 14
熊桓, 周成玉老師, 廖文彥
Dear 同學們,
好消息,我們又尋穫兩位同學: 劉忠傑及劉英俊.
董適與劉忠傑弟弟是好朋友, 周老師認識劉英俊的姐姐(女師附小同事)
趁著廖文彥返台再度安排同學們聚會, 可惜今天施中強及熊桓要補上班
劉英俊出國. 熊桓下午有趕來, 同學們又度過愉快的一天,
今天廖文彥預支明日的消費劵作東, 班費又省了, 下次聚會暫定二月二十二日.
祝 恭喜發財, 萬事如意!!!
2009, 01, 17
2009, 01, 17
Dear All:
For me, it was a depressing gathering after picking up the tab. BUT, the picture 高明 found made the day.
I present you the ballyhooed, ever elusive ---- CLASS PHOTO, plus a couple bonuses. Please keep them coming…
Looks like there were 38 people in our class, we identified 35, missed the boy to the right of 董適, and the two girls around 高光勳.
Let me start, the girl to the left, she is Taiwanese like me, I vaguely remember her last name is 陳. I have no recollection of the other two.
Wun-Yann (廖文彥)
2009, 01, 19
1967 畢業照 (點照片可以變更大)
6th row 林金星 朱海雄, 劉鴻台, 王騏, 楊松川,
5th row 林懷安, 許國光, 董適, ?, 鄧明德, 于瑞東
4th row蔡頤美, 王藹琴, ? , 高光勳, ?, 龍心祥, 高明, 黃菊英,
3rd row蘇貴栖, 劉曉倩, 楊蕙苓, 施中強 (?) , 劉子瑾, 汪小芬, 林超, 后曙竹, 林永瑜, 莊聲敏,
2nd row 5th 施巨源教務主任, 6th 張治寰校長, far right: 周成玉老師,
first row from left 湯秉中,劉忠傑, 熊桓, 鍾炳蔚, 廖文彥, 劉英俊, 林定堅, 董立道, 吳兆年,