Blog Entry: 粉紅花的小世界 ID: 3375



過去菲律賓同事做過兩道很棒的甜點, 這水果甜點是其一, 另一個是coconut cake. 昨天因為兒子recital, 所以就做了一次這甜點. 再不把食譜寫下來, 快要忘記成份與做法了.跟大家分享一番.   我這次沒有放honeydew 和grapes.  若有的話, 顏色應該會好看些. 

甜點 – Fruit desert 材料: Pineapple in slices (2 cans) 荔枝 (1can) 紅毛丹 (1 can) Coconut gels (coco de nada) 2 jars Seedless grapes (some) Peaches in halves (2 cans) Pears in halves (1 can) Mandarin oranges (4 small cans) Cantaloupe (portion) Honeydew (portion) Apple (just one) 8oz whipped cream cheese(2 containers) Sweet condensed milk (1 can) Preparation: 1. Dice the pineapples, 荔枝 and紅毛丹. 2. Drain the above ingredients with coconut gels, washed grapes (harder ingredients). Drain them well for at least half an hour. 3. Dice the peaches, pears. 4. Drain the peaches, pears, and mandarin oranges for at least half an hour to one hour. 5. Dice the cantaloupe, , honeydew, and apple. 6. In a big bowl, put in the whipped cream cheese and condensed milk. Mix it well. 7. Put in the harder ingredients first and mix it well. 8. Put in the rest of the ingredients and mix it well. 9. Voila!! Here’s your good tasting fruit desert. 其實做起來很簡單, 只是把所有材料都拌在一起. 重點是: a. 水果罐頭, 像桃子、梨子要買halves, 不要買slices 或 chunks. 因為若是小塊泡在罐頭的甜湯裡, 它的texture會變很軟, 口感不好. 鳳梨也是因此不要買chunks, 要買slices. b. 切好的水果塊要分軟硬分開放, 是因為要攪拌到混合的cream cheese/milk mixture內, 先放較硬的拌好, 再拌軟的時, 只要輕輕拌幾下就可, 不會把軟的(像mandarin oranges), 拌到屍骨全無, 湯水都擠出來. c. Cream cheese要買whipped過的. 沒有whipped過的, 很不容易處理. 我是沒試過, 應該買普通的cream cheese, 自己用攪拌器快速攪一陣, 也可以用. 但份量就很難抓 . d. 這個甜點內的水果, 可依個人喜愛, 斟酌採用. 但要記得一個原則: 不要用會生很多汁的水果(像西瓜), 或太軟的水果(像木瓜). 顏色越多越美. 祝大家美食成功~

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