Blog Entry: 粉紅花的小世界 ID: 601323



什錦燴飯可以加任何你想吃的東西.  甚至, 你若有一小盤一小盤剩菜, 也可以倒進去.

當然重點是剩菜不要放冰箱超過兩天, 過兩天後不新鮮, 一定要扔掉.  不要吃了一肚子壞東西.

1.  肉切成片.
2.  有魚丸更好.  也切片.  任何魚漿做的東西都可以.  切片.
3.  一大把青菜.  小白菜也好.  青花菜更好.  洗淨, 切成一口大小.
4.  香菇幾朵泡水去蒂切片.
5.  綠竹筍切片.
6.  其他你想加的東西.
7.  starch in water.

1.  TPWE.  Cook the meat, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, then fish ball slices.  Add in salt, sugar, cooking wine, 1/2 teaspoon soy sauce, black pepper and water.  Water is about 1/2 (or more) covering the food.  When boil, add in 1 tablespoon or more black vinegar to add in more flavor.

2.  Add in broccoli and stir then cover to cook until the broccoli turn darker color.  Or you can try it to see if it's cooked.

3.  Take the solid food out before you put in the starch.  I have a tendency to add so much borccoli, it's hard to stir the starchy water with so much food in the pot.  Therefore, it's better to take it out first.  If the water is too low, you can then adjust it more and add 1/2 tablespoon vinegar again.  Season it to your liking.  when boil, Stir in the starchy water slowly and stir the liquid until it's a little sticky but not very sticky.  Peter, you had it before, you should know how thick the water should be.  Then add in a few drops of sesame oil and bring all food back to the pot and mix quickly.  Take it out fast before the veggie is overcooked.

Pour the food over cooked rice.  You can enjoy it now.  You can add some chili sauce as side dish if you want to.


Your mom is not really a great cook.  I only follow what sounds OK for the daily meals.  That's why you have no measurements for your seasoning and all.  As long as it is balanced meals, fully cooked but not overcooked and with few seasoning, you should be fine.  A couple of trials should bring you to a better stage of cooking.  

I'll think of something else for you to do easy meals.  Meantime, other than cooking, during the weekends, I hope you go out of the house to play, don't just snuggle in your room with your computer all the time.  I hope you get yourself a good and healthy life.  Make new friends.  Check out some museums.  Starting January, you will be busy and have more work to do for applications.  Leisure time is running out before you know it.  Enjoy it while you can.  We'll see you soon.


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