Blog Entry: 六義的家 ID: 206853


2006-3-23 卓宗翰自述

Mark and all Dear Classmates, 我是卓宗翰. I enjoyed reading Mark's brief story plus family picture. I have an assignment at IBM China for the next 2 years. I am currently based on Shanghai with a lot of time spend in Beijing to lead the Technology Strategy Consulting Services. Life is China is very hectic. I do envy Mark's quality family life in New Jersey. It is my personal goal to achieve that quality in a few years.

I spend roughly 3 weeks in China and 1 week in Taipei in the near future. If you get a chance to visit both China and Taiwan, please give me a call or drop me a note. You can find my contact number in both Taipei and China as attached. Best Regards, John H. Cho (卓宗翰)

2006-03-22 于夢麟自述←上一篇 │首頁│ 下一篇→2006-3-24 蕭經良自述