Blog Entry: NTUEE80 ID: 436031


More pictures/albums added

In case you didn't notice, I have added a few albums. One of them is our graduation yearbook. Limited by the equipment (our yearbook is oversized for my scanner) and time, this is the best I can do for now. If you want to use your picture as the cover of your album but don't have it handy, you can download these to get full size pages and then cut and paste. If 20% of our population add a couple of albums each from parties, reunions and/or family pictures, we shall have plenty to digest for a while and then we can work on the other silent 80%.

If we get 80% of population contributing, most groups should be fairly happy. But we are better than that. We wouldn't get into ntuee80 by setting a goal of achieving 80%... by 于夢麟

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