Call for discussion of our NTUEE80 30-year reunion
Happy New Year!
Along with the new year, there is something we need to start discussing - our 30-year reunion. Clearly we need to decide the number of gatherings, date(s), location(s), events, "goals", etc.
There are already some discussion among private communications, here are some good ones to get this started:
"We can also plan two reunion activities: one in USA, the other one in Taiwan. ... This will maximize the attendence of our classmates.
Another important question is the goal of the reunion. Is the purpose of the reunion
to maximize interactions, gatherings, social, to learn about our career, our family,
and our experience? If so, we may not want to mix this with the goal of tourists." - 顏加輝
"We could have a committee work on this issue while appointing someone to be the Chief Planning Officer. We then could hire an event planning agent to do all arrangements for us. They are quite a few good agents out there. They will do most of the job professionally while the CPO mainly has to monitor and work with them. ... We also need to raise some starting fund for it if our classmates are serious about the 2009/2010 reunion. It might take 3 to 6 months to get the plan executed to hit a successful target. " -周岳憲
As a reference, to my knowledge, 台大1979級電機系畢業三十年同學會 will be held during 2009, 08, 14 (五) ~ 2009, 08, 16 (日) at 台灣 台中日月潭.
Now, please note that there is a separate effort to organize a reunion for the entire NTU 1980 graduation class (all departments.) It is organized by 林莉 學姊 ('79, 商學). For class 1979, there will be two events, one in US, 台大1974/1979級校友畢業三十五/三十年重聚會, 2009, 08, 07 (五) ~ 2009, 08, 09 (日) 美國南加州 San Gabriel Hilton (後續發展﹐請鎖定 台大30/35重聚 2008/09/29 ) and one in Taiwan will be held on 2009, 11, 29 (日) 台北 台大舊體育館 (暫定). Please visit her blog and the link above for more information. It is my impression that there will be two similar events, one in US and one in Taiwan for NTU class 1980 in year 2010.
While most likely we will treat these as separate events, unless we have zero interest and decide to ignore them altogether, we will need representative(s) in that committee also.
I know all this may be overwhelming, but if we start early, I think we have enough time to sort everything out.
For your reference: We had a 20-year reunion, organized by 林欲民 (or his wife, to be precise, thanks!!!) or roughly the Northern California folks. We talked about a 25-year reunion to be organized by the Southern CA folks during the 20-year reunion but clearly that didn't materialize.
-by 于夢麟
P.S. Please use this blog for the reunion general discussions. Broadcast ntuee80 email will/should only be used for sending private/sensitive information, as it is a poor media for open discussions (and there will always be the accidental reply-to-all...)
發表於 2009/01/05 11:54 AM
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