Blog Entry: NTUEE80 ID: 596523


2nd call for discussion of 30yr reunion

1/14/update: Now the poll results:

Option 1 (June 5, 2010 + 3 days):    3
Option 2: ( ~July 23, 2010 + 3 days):  18

Either is ok:  12
Very Likely to join: 7
Likely:   15
Maybe:    8
Unlikely:  3

My interpretation is most people voted is ok with option 2 date and there are >20 people likely or very likely to join.
There are also quite a few people indicated they cannot make decision on date so far away.   But once the date is set, they can make a decision a month of two ahead of the time and will try to attend.  So the participation rate looks ok on surface.  However, there are only 7 out of the 22 likely+ are from regions outside Taiwan.   Most US guys simply didn't participate in the poll.   Let's hope this will change once the event becomes more concrete.

Feipei,  thanks and good luck.
12/23/2009 update:   An email poll has been sent out.   Please check your mailbox.  I also repeat the info below in case it didn't reach you.
There are two proposed dates for the reunion (both are in Taiwan).
Please indicate which date(s) you can make it to the reunion and send your response back to me ( by Jan 6, 2010. If both dates are ok with you, mark both of them.   Note the +3 days is flexible and can be changed to whatever we want.
Proposal 1. June 5, 2010 + 3 days
Proposal 2. July 23, 2010 + 3 days (approximate, moving up/down 1 or 2 days is possible)
In addition, please indicate how likely you will attend the reunion (this is not a commitment):
Very likely,
Somewhat likely (maybe),
Thank you.

I think we need a closure on this. 
If you have a suggestion/preference of date and location, please say it in the next 2 weeks, i.e., before the end of 12/20.  If you don't want to say it in public for whatever reason, please email your suggestion to

After 12/20, a survey will be sent out to see how many people will be interested in attending which option.   As a reminder, currently there is only one proposal:  June 5, 2010 + 3 days, in Taiwan.

No, I don't have special authority to set deadlines or do surveys.  Anyone NTUEE80er can do it.   You are welcome to initiate anything you think is better.

update:  Since people think date is more important than location, let's focus on the date first.

Proposal on the table: 
6/5/2010 + ~3days

Any other suggestions?  (The only resaon I try to diverge rather than converge here is that early June is graduation season.   People may have their children's graduations to attend. )

During the past month or so, there were serious discussions/proposals among the LA area classmates.   As usual, people have different opinions and difficulties to reach concensus.  I am listing what I heard below as seeds for discussion.    As a starter,  we need to know if/how many people are interested in coming to a reunion, given there are uncertainties in location and date.   If not enough, we can rest the subject.  If there are plenty, we can then discuss how to proceed.   At the end of the day, it is how much passion we have as a group determines the outcome.

Options I heard:
      1. Hawaii cruise
      2. Hawaii + optional cruise
      3. Taiwan, starting from our National Taiwain Univ., and then a tour (e.g., re-live the around-the-island graduation tour.)
      4.  I may have missed something ...



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