May 22, 2010: 趁王暉夫婦來洛之際王聰睿舉辦了南加三十周年聚會. 參加的有陳俊慧, 林劍虹, 楊民仰, 王俊明, 孫晉英, 翁朝宏, 許明善, 洪侯忠, 范霆鈞, 陳銘哲及攝影者盧偉國. 除了影片中的卡拉OK外, 尚有大學生活照回顧, 球賽, 牌局(非營利)等節目, 直到十二點才散會.
(ed: for more pictures, please visit our ntuee80 facebook If you are not a member of the group, please join our group - you need to be a facebook member first. Currently we have 21 members.)
by 盧偉國