Blog Entry: 北一女校友部落格 ID: 115998




臺大學姊鄧海珠女士,寫了一篇文章「尋找瑪麗莎」,2006-03-20刊登在世界日報上,經廖傾移同學轉貼到北一女校友部落格。這是02第一次接觸到Pepa Flores Marisol,鄧學姊文中描述的瑪麗莎,可愛討喜,能歌善演,一對藍湛湛的眼珠,賺盡觀眾眼淚,引起02很大的好奇心,希望也有機會能一睹當年可愛瑪麗莎的風貌。


三個月後,遠在澳洲的楊文亮先生,也為了圓一個小時候的夢,在網站上尋找電影「不如歸」,找到廖傾移轉貼的「尋找瑪麗莎」,才知道那是一部西班牙電影,原名是Un Rayo De Luz。

Jeff Young 在 新浪部落 於 2006/07/02 11:42 AM 回應

Dear Lillian:

鄧海珠 在 新浪部落 於 2006/07/03 05:13 PM 回應 

首先感謝部落格園丁 Lillian (姓名不敢確認是否正確) 這樣快就轉知鄧小姐,況且鄧小姐更如此快在此部落格回應,真是感激不盡。根據所附上的資料,我在emule 鍵入Pepa Flores Marisol 就下載將近50首Marisol 的mp3,鍵入Marisol - Un Rayo De Luz 就下載到西班牙文的mpg,品質還可以,雖然沒有字幕我還是馬上觀看一遍,就如鄧小姐所言(若不是因為瑪麗莎,此片根本不需存在),每到瑪麗莎演唱抒情歌曲部份,雖然根本不懂她所唱的含義,不知不覺就感動萬分。
此網址可以買到正版的DVD,但是沒有字幕,Video System PAL。台灣是NTSC,我希望可以買到有字幕的,就是英文字幕的也無妨。最壞的打算就是我有一位阿根廷的朋友,請他翻譯,我就可以剪接並打上字幕,再燒成DVD,我花一點老人工倒無妨,但請人翻譯就太強求了!我本人並不贊成盜版,但是連正版都買不到時,只有想想辦法了。我個人興趣於相片合成與修補、攝影、錄影、剪接、3D動畫,或將舊影帶轉成 DVD等等,但是我從來不營業僅止於興趣,若各位有同好我也希望可以互相切磋研究。


Jeff Young 在 新浪部落 於 2006/07/03 11:00 PM 回應

註:web site about emule for downloading movie

這位兄台,不早說嘛﹗原來是個行家。害02忙得像個澳洲的聖誕老公公。02自己也很驚訝,怎麼已經每天睡眠少得眼睛都腫了,還那麼有勁地到處找海珠學姊的資料,居然也只花了二個小時就被02找到了。本來想請海珠學姊燒一張DVD送給您(02實在沒時間幫您上ebay找),想想萬一以後又來一位瑪麗莎迷怎麼辦﹖總不能又去麻煩海珠學姊吧。於是決定厚起臉皮請學姊燒一張DVD給02,02更想到,這個「瑪麗莎」被形容得這麼好,乾脆再如法炮製一下,把歌舞部份製作成電子檔,放到網站上讓大家都看看(02已經走火入魔了)。等到收到學姊來函,才知沒那麼順利。連學姊都要到西班牙去買,02腦中資料庫,可沒有同學住西班牙。可笑的是02連電影原文片名及瑪麗莎都不會拼,又去函學姊請教,總要有原/英文資料才有可能買到正版吧﹖等到看到大哥您的回應才知道02班門弄斧極了。不但如此,大哥兄台還會相片合成與修補、攝影、錄影、剪接、3D動畫,或將舊影帶轉成 DVD等等,聽起來正是我們不落國極缺的人才。就算不落國派不上用場,也是02極需借重的化妝師。 02可是有一堆照片急需修補合成,尤其愈近照的愈需要。
02 在 新浪部落 於 2006/07/04 02:58 AM 回應 

Hi Lillian!
我已經將不如歸燒成DVD了,也將 PAL 轉成NTSC,如果妳想要的話我可以從7-11寄給妳。我總共下載五次,只有一次品質夠好,遺憾的是少了最後三分鐘,我只好用另一片剪下接上,沒有字幕,西班牙文,其實沒字幕也沒關係,看圖說故事和聽瑪莉莎唱歌就值得了!
Jeff Young 在 新浪部落 於 2006/07/12 12:41 PM 回應




1. Adios Al Colegio Adios

2. Bed time
3. Corre Corre Caballito
4. Dos estrellas
5. In the car H
6. In the car
7. Nana Italiana
8. Paso firme
9. Recorder
10. Santa Lucia

11. Adios Al Colegio Adios
12. Corre Corre Caballito
13. Dos estrellas
14. Nana Italiana
15. Paso firme

16. 電影《不如歸》劇照

17. 十二歲的瑪麗莎

18. 2004年的瑪麗莎

附錄:About the Movie
Un Rayo De Luz (1960)
Genre: Comedy / Musical

Directed by Luis Lucia

Writing credits
Felix Atalaya (also story)
Manuel Atalaya (also story)

Actress: Pepa Flores Marisol
Place of birth: Malaga, Malaga, Andalucia, Spain
Date of birth: 4 February 1948

Mini biography:
Spanish actress and singer. She was discovered by her future producer
Manuel J. Goyanes in an exhibition of the "Coros y Danzas de Malaga"
in TVE in 1959. Her debut in cinema was in 1960. She complemented her activity in cinema with records, recitals and TV-shows.

Birth name: Josefa Flores Gonzalez
Nickname: Pepa or Teresita

Antonio Gades (1982 - 1986) (divorced) 3 children
Carlos J. Goyanes (1969 - 1972) (divorced)

Has an older sister, Victoria (b. 1945), and a younger brother, Enrique (b. 1957).
Has three daughters from her marriage to Antonio Gades - Maria, Tamara, and Celia.
Fidel Castro was the best man at her wedding to Antonio Gades.
Daughter Maria born on December 30, 1974 in Mar del Plata, Argentina.
Daughter Tamara born on August 1, 1976 in Madrid, Spain.
Daughter Celia born on May 30, 1981 in Madrid, Spain

Where are they now:
(August 2004) Lives in Malaga, Spain, where she has retired from performing and is now a social and humanitarian activist

Plot Summary for Rayo de luz, Un (1960): written by Anonymous

A man and a woman have secretly married. He belongs to a rich family and she is a poor actress and singer that is failing to success in her career. One day, he decides to tell his family that he's married and flies to Italy, where they live, but the flight has an accident and he dies. The man's brother goes to Spain to look for the body, and he discovers not only that his brother is married, but that his brother's wife is pregnant. She only asks the family for his education. Years go by, and Marisol, the girl's name will be ten years old soon. She lives in a school, and his uncle and mother visit her once a year. His mother has told her that she is a famous and rich actress so that the girl would not be shy with her friends about her origins. So, she can never take her daughter with her in the summer, or she will know the truth. But Marisol's grandfather, who hates her mother for "having stolen his son", wants to meet the little girl, and he asks her to go to Italy during the summer with her uncle. The girl will soon make the old man and all the citizens in the area of the great mansion where they live think that happiness has come there in the form of the little girl, but the summer goes by and the old man doesn't want to let Marisol go away to Spain because he loves her very much...

Author: bijou-2 from London, England

Marisol's first film reveals a talented and more beautiful variation on the Spanish child star than audiences had seen before. This story about the estranged child of a widowed Spanish cabaret singer bonding with her bitter wealthy Italian grandfather is a classic of Spanish cinema and made Marisol a household name in the spanish speaking world. The songs, her blonde hair and blue eyes, and the sometimes contrived sentiments work beautifully every step of the way. A RAY OF LIGHT indeed

Author: harp2wing from Salisbury,NC

For a little girl in the Amazon River Basin, Marisol was the height of cool.
The movie took me a way to a place where dance and song were everyday matters, and fostered a lifelong love of the passionate music of Flamenco. The fiery music and dance struck a chord that still resonates even now, many years later. The rhythm of Marisol's flashing feet and fingers, the tale as it unfolded,
led me to love the little girl who starred in this film. To this day I think about Marisol. To this day I associate flamenco with her, and have her to thank for the continuing love I have for it. And, when Paco Pena's MISA FLAMENCA came to DC, I went to see it, falling in love with flamenco all over again

Rayo de luz, Un
Cast overview, first billed only:
Pepa Flores Marisol
Anselmo Duarte
Maroa Mahor
Julio Sanjuan
Maria del Valle
Joaquin Roa
Maria Isbert
Pilar Sanclemente
Pilar Sala
Antonio Vela .... Barbarrojita
Antonio Molino Rojo
Jose Cuenca
Juan Cortes
Joaquin Burgos
Pedro Rodriguez de Quevedo

Runtime: 110 min
Country: Spain
Language: Spanish
Color: Color (Eastmancolor)
Sound Mix: Mono
Certification: Spain:T


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