Blog Entry: 北一女校友部落格 ID: 258358



到了年尾﹐不分中外﹐公家還是私人﹐總有許多大小聚會﹑派對。 人緣好的你﹐收到 許多請柬﹐有的說 Black Tie only﹐ 有的說 semi formal﹔ 你﹐該穿什麼衣服出 席那些場合﹐才不會失禮呢﹖ (聲明一下﹐這篇只是粗淺入門﹐文內英文下的中文﹐並非嚴謹翻譯﹐只是作者的解說。 歡迎所有對“穿”有研究的朋友﹐跳進來斧正指教﹐如此甚幸﹗)

Party Definitions From Cynthia Nellis, Black Tie, Formal, Dressy Casual and More! Black Tie A Black Tie invitation calls for formal attire. Men wear tuxedos, women wear cocktail, long dresses or dressy evening separates. Formal usually means the same as Black Tie, but in some trendier cities like New York or Los Angeles, it could mean a black shirt, no tie with a tux. Women wear cocktail, long dresses or dressy evening separates.

Black Tie: 黑領帶/領結﹐這時﹐你千萬不能望文生義﹐以為穿了西裝﹐打個黑領 帶就足夠了。這其實是普通宴會裡要求的最正式的穿著﹗男士得穿Tuxedo﹐女士得 穿晚宴長裙。這種聚會﹐比如說﹐可以是大使級外交人員﹐開放他的住宅給地方名 流﹔或者是在聯合國大廳的頒獎典禮﹔或者大博物館開幕典禮﹐有國際知名之士﹐ 當地紳士淑女出席的。當然這Tuxedo 是黑色﹐再打個黑領結﹔女士什麼顏色都可以﹐ 但是黑色最莊重﹐可搭以適當珠寶﹔如果是外交場合﹐穿本國傳統服裝也很討好﹐ 但是必須長及足踝。女性的cocktail dress﹐雞尾酒裝﹐可長可短﹐可活潑可高雅﹐應視聚會性質而決定款式。男性如果有 Brad Pitt 的條件的話﹐也可以穿件黑襯衫﹐外罩 Tuxedo﹐但不 用打領結﹐注意 黑襯衫釦子要開至少三粒﹐才有夠酷。

More about formal dresses: White Tie A White Tie or Ultra-formal invitation requires men wear full dress, with white tie, vest, shirt, or, in more detail :

A lady must wear a formal ball gown when the dress is described as white tie. Where state decorations are specified, tiaras are usually worn by those women who are married.

白領結宴會﹐是最少有的正式場合﹐男士不但要打白領結﹐胸口的口袋要有白手帕或 白花﹐而且還得穿白背心﹐黑色燕尾外套﹐襯衫袖口要用白色或銀色的袖釦。女士 呢﹐則是把妳最正式的長禮服穿出﹐傳家之寶的珍珠鑽石戴上﹐已婚婦女﹐頭髮上 還要裝飾個tiaras(選美后冠)。通常是諾貝爾獎頒獎典禮﹐或英國女王頒爵位給你﹐ 你就這樣打扮。

Black Tie Optional A Black Tie Optional or Black Tie Invited gives you the option of wearing a tuxedo or formal dress, but it should clue you into the formality of the event, meaning a dark suit and tie would be your other option. Women wear cocktail, long dresses or dressy evening separates. Optional 這個字﹐讓男士有不必穿 tuxedo 的自由﹐深色西裝也可以﹐女士則長短 禮服皆宜。

Creative Black Tie Creative Black Tie leaves room for trendy interpretations of formal wear. He can go more modern with a tux -- maybe a black shirt, no tie. She wears long or short dresses or evening separates. Sometimes, themed parties call for dress codes like Texas Black Tie or other variations of Creative Black Tie. In that situation, you can have more fun with it, choosing a dressy look with a theme (for him, it could be a tux with boots and for her it could be a long dress paired with Southwestern style silver belt and jewelry). Creative﹐則給你/妳更大的自由發揮空間﹐只要把持“正式”的原則﹐運用之妙﹐ 存乎一心﹐譬如說﹐德州為主題﹐男士可搭配牛仔靴﹐女士則在洋裝腰際佩以寬邊 閃銀腰帶。

Semi-Formal Semi-Formal or After Five means that tuxes are not required, nor are long dresses. An evening wedding (after 6 PM) would still dictate dark suits for him, and a cocktail dress for her. Daytime semi-formal events mean a suit for him and an appropriate short dress or dressy suit for her. Business Formal is the same as Semi-Formal for him, but for women it suggests that women opt for more tailored dressy suits and dresses (nothing too slinky or sexy). Semi-Formal  半正式的聚會﹐就不需穿tuxedo ﹑長禮服了 ﹐男士只要有深色西裝﹐女士 穿短禮服,洋裝即可。不過﹐女士要留意的是﹐如果有寫 Business Formal﹐ 最好是穿剪裁 合身的套裝﹐切勿穿過於性感的洋裝。

Cocktail Attire Cocktail Attire means short, elegant dresses for her and dark suits for him.    雞尾酒會裝﹐男士穿深色西裝﹐女士穿短禮服即可。 Informal Informal is often interpreted as the same as Casual but it actually calls for the same dress as Semi-Formal -- dark suits for him, short dresses for her -- especially when associated with a wedding or special event. Informal,  雖然稱為非正式﹐最好還是把它當半正式處理﹐男士穿深色西裝﹐但不必成套﹐ 女士穿洋裝﹑裙子。

Festive Attire Festive Attire is usually seen around the holidays, with the mood of the party being Informal or Semi-Formal. For her, it means to choose looks with a bit of sparkle or holiday bent (i.e. a beaded sweater with black pants, a red silk blouse with a black skirt). 配合節慶裝﹐那就很明顯﹐情人節穿紅色﹔萬聖節穿黑色﹑紫色﹑桔色﹔聖誕節穿紅 色﹑綠色﹑金色﹑﹑﹑等等。

Casual Dressy Casual calls for dressed-up versions of casual looks. For him, it could be trousers and a sportcoat, for her a dressy pants look. Jeans, shorts, T-shirts and other casual looks are not appropriate for Dressy Casual. Dressy Casual 只要不是T恤牛仔褲就可以﹐男士可穿sports coat,女士亦可穿長褲。 Casual generally means anything goes.  Casual﹐那真的就是隨便怎麼穿啦﹗

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Ball Gown Tommy Hilfiger 3-ButtonTommy Hilfiger Luxury Collection 1-Button NotchTommy Hilfiger Luxury Collection 2-Button Notch Tuxedo tiara image from a beuty pageanttiara White Tie Black Tie “黑襯衫釦子要開至少三粒﹐才有夠酷。”  這是我瞎謅的﹐各位看官可別當真... :) 資料搜集75byn1056

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