四大學習類型分析 (為便於閱讀,請直接點閱此連結。) 75北一女1011 人類的學習類型有四大類﹕具體有序(CS)﹑抽象有序(AS)﹑具體無序(CR)﹑抽象無 序 (AR)。了解這四大學習類型﹐了解自己是哪一種﹑了解周圍人們是哪一種﹐有助 彼此溝通﹐也減少不必要的人際摩擦跟壓力。 很少有人在這四大類型裡是絕對的極端﹐大部分人都是各佔了不同的比例。比如他 可能是 30% 的具體有序﹐25% 的抽象有序﹐ 24% 的具體無序﹐21% 的抽象無序。 這樣的人﹐應該說他最自在喜歡的是具體有序的方式﹐但真要碰上了一個抽象無序 的人或事﹐他應該還是可以應付的。但假設一個人的具體有序比例高達 50% ﹐但抽 象無序低到 10% ﹐那麼你跟他做事﹐就絕對得具體有序了﹐別的方法都行不通的。 可是對第一個例子那相對之下比較平衡的人來說﹐他還是有他的優先學習方式跟自 在的順序的﹐我相信﹐他如果長期碰到的都是他比較不自在的抽象無序﹐久了也會 造成壓力的。另外﹐換個角度看﹐這種人﹐其實是比較複雜的﹐他各項比例差不多﹐ 很難嚴格歸類。 美國教師學會的統計﹐大致上﹐37% 的人是具體有序﹐34% 的人是抽象無序﹐19% 的人是具體無序﹐10% 的人是抽象有序。通常小學老師裡﹐無序的比例高些﹐因為 小學生的學習方式也比較無序﹐但高中老師裡﹐有序的比例就高一點。做研究的人﹐ 抽象的比例高些﹐工程師裡﹐具體的比例也高些。 這種學習類型﹐基本上跟人的腦子﹑性向密切相關。我不敢說環境跟訓練能改變多 少﹐但有些研究指出﹐一個人在不同的人生階段﹐所展現的學習類型會有點不同。 但我個人相信﹐基本上的差異不會太大。比如說一個人原本是 40% 的具體有序﹐只 有10% 的抽象無序﹐也許經過了人生歷煉﹐他多少學會了跟自己不同的人合作﹐他 可能變成 32% 的具體有序﹐18% 的抽象無序﹐但我相信他還是不可能整個人一百八 十度轉成一個抽象無序的人。 有許多機構可以給人們做這種評估測驗﹐讓人們更了解自己﹐但那些很多都所費不 貲。網上關於這四大類型的討論跟文章很多﹐我特別找了一些資料來這兒﹐貼給大 家﹐讓大家可以根據那些特質﹐大致自我評估一下﹐看看你自己是什麼樣的方式最 合適。以後對自己﹑家人﹑同事﹑朋友﹐都多一點了解﹐遇到衝突跟壓力時﹐會明 白也許只是彼此的方式完全不同﹐就會有比較智慧的處理方式了。 我最近參加一個訓練課程﹐有幸做了一個比較嚴謹的自我評估測驗﹐也因此學到這 些﹐特地把它搬來這裡跟姊妹兄弟們分享﹐希望對大家都有點幫助。 四大學習類型的分析 資料來源﹕ http://www.floatingneutrinos.com/Message/arcs/links_on_abstractrandom.htm "Dr. Gregorc’s Mind-Styles™ model ( is based on )how we perceive information (and) how we use (order) the perceived information: CS: Concrete – Sequential 具體有序: systematic AS: Abstract – Sequential 抽象有序: research CR: Concrete – Random 具體無序: instinctual AR: Abstract – Random 抽象無序: absorption Learning style summaries CS: Concrete-Sequential 具體有序 – Organized, stable, productive, perfectionist AS: Abstract-Sequential 抽象有序 – Precise, conceptual, visionary, opinionated CR: Concrete-Random 具體無序 – Curious, hands-on, impulsive, impatient AR: Abstract-Random 抽象無序 – Spontaneous, adaptable, social, perceptive " Learning Preferences for each Mind Style: Concrete Sequentials prefer:具體有序 Order and quietExact directionsGuided PracticeKnow the accepted way of doing somethingCan apply ideas in a practical, hands-on wayAre given approval for specific work done Abstract Sequentials prefer:抽象有序 Lecture and readingFollow traditional proceduresWork aloneResearchLogical explanationsAre respected for intellectual ability Abstract Randoms prefer:抽象無序 Cooperative workAssignments with room for interpretationBalance of social activities and workNoncompetitive atmospherePersonalized learningAre given personal attention and emotional support Concrete Randoms prefer:具體無序 Trial and error approachHands-on experiencesBrainstorming and open-ended activitiesProduce real, but creative, productsOriginal and unique approaches to problem solvingSelf-directed learning The different styles struggle with: Concrete Sequential stretches:具體有序 Making choicesOpen ended assignments and "what if" questionsDealing with opposing viewsTaking new approachesInterpreting abstract ideasSeeing the forest Abstract Sequential stretches:抽象有序 Expressing emotionsWorking cooperatively in groupsWriting creativelyTaking risks or facing the unpredictableOpen ended problemsPlacing grades in perspective…reducing perfectionism Abstract Random stretches:抽象無序 Working aloneAttending to details and giving exact answersWorking within time limitsConcentrating on one task at a timeBeing correctedExpecting less emotional response from others Concrete Random stretches:具體無序 Pacing and meeting time limitationsCompleting projectsChoosing one answerKeeping detailed recordsPrioritizingAccepting others’ ideas without showing another wayAccepting when change is impossible Gregorc's Mind Style Characteristics The Concrete Sequential individual: Needs and enjoys structured situations.Likes to work with hands-on projects.Likes things to be ordered and arranged in specific ways.Likes clear and definite directions.Is always "busy", looking for constructive things to do, can’t sit still for long.Is a natural organizer.Prefers to do things step by step.Follows directions.Is a natural editor, can take anything and make it better.Has a great fear of being wrong. The Abstract Sequential individual: Reads avidly for information and ideas logically presented.Needs a quiet environment to think and work.Likes to debate about ideas and controversial issues.Likes to learn just to learn - self-directed.Gathers information and analyzes ideas.Strives for intellectual recognition.Thinks in a structured, logical and organized way.Fears appearing foolish or uninformed. The Abstract Random individual: Dislikes routine procedures and orderliness.Is extremely sensitive to his/her own and others’ feelings.Is flexible, accepting and responds easily to change.Learns well through discussion and sharing of ideas.Is imaginative.Personalizes information.Is usually involved in many projects or interest at one time.Is focused on friends and relationships.Has a fear of not being liked. The Concrete Random individual: Is highly curious.Finds out-of-the-ordinary answers to problems.Seems driven to say or do things in a way others have not.Is a risk-taker.Likes to discover his/her own way of doing things; must test things for self.Is extremely independent and competitive with self.Prefers to investigate and experiment; enjoys hands-on experimenting.Skips steps and details.Shows original creativity; has varied and unusual ideas.Has multiple projects going at once.Finds possibilities, creates change.Is notorious for not reading directions or instructions.Fears structure. References: http://www.floatingneutrinos.com/Message/arcs/concreteabstract__random.htm http://www.floatingneutrinos.com/Message/arcs/links_on_abstractrandom.htm http://www.vccaedu.org/inquiry/inquiry-spring97/i11tayl.html