Blog Entry: 北一女校友部落格 ID: 6725


拋磚引玉 --- 歌二首

希望我拋出的兩塊磚, 能喚引出廖老師這塊歌壇璞玉, 以及找出更多的 fun on BLOG for all。 ----------------------------
以下引述我在部落格看到的一些事實: 1. 廖老師的 "歌迷小姐" 一文, 引起廣泛的回應, 讓許多人想聽她的歌聲, 林莉也從此努力設法要把歌聲帶上部落格。 2. LA 30 年重聚, 廖老師的歌藝與丰彩贏得很多掌聲, 在部落格上有人因此敬佩她, 有人因此崇拜她 (Quote 1139)。 3. 廖老師的 "唱歌的方法" 一文, 表現出她一貫誨人不倦的精神。 言理透徹, 深入淺出, 只差教學實例而已, 據說這是因為不知道怎樣把自己在CD 上的歌拿下來與友分享。 Now,please enjoy the two songs below: ================= Song 1: Yesterday Song 2: Unchanged Melody ================= 心動加行動: The above 2 songs are only examples "ripped" from my CD collection. Below is how we may go about it: 1. All we have to do is to put the CD into our PC's CD and/or DVD ROM. Microsoft Media Player will give us a choice, either to play the audio or to "rip" the music onto the hard drive. 2. Just select "rip" the music, and the next menu will allow the user to choose which songs in the CD that one wants to rip down to store in the computer. It takes less than 20 seconds to rip a song. The resulting music file, most likely in "wma" format, is playable on PC. 3. Send the song files to Lin Li, and she will help take care of the rest. ----------------------- 廖老師, 我這麼認真的做了, 剩下的就看妳的囉!

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